Monday, August 8, 2011

Pretty Prints

By request, some close-ups of the fabrics of which some of my favourite 30s dresses in my collection are made.  You know, Victory Fabrics can do custom fabrics from pictures of fabric!!


Cold Rayons



Tasha said...

I am hyperventilating just a little here! WOW, those are seriously fantastic. And I'm going to check out that shop stat!

Stephanie Lynn said...

How lovely! I think the third one is my favorite!

Solenn said...

I love those prints ! How gorgeous ! I wish I could have dresses with all of them !

garofit said...

The first, the 5th and the last 2 I love!!!!

Emily & Gracie said...

Ohhh, the pink and brown rayon, and that first one in the crepes make me drool!
- emily

Country Lady said...

Those are very lovely prints!

Salsa Von Leopard said...

Oooo how yummt those are. I will be onto that shop definately. I have seen a couple of prints that i adore and cannot find anything similar anywhere so this would be amazing if they can do it! Thanks for that doll :D

Unknown said...

All really lovely!!!!!

Lauren said...

Ooooohhhh! *droool*

Emily said...

Such beautiful fabrics!! I have a girl's sunsuit made out of the second print you have on this post. Isn't that such a strange coincidence? ;)

Lauren Hairston said...

These are AMAZING!!! They don't make 'em like they used to! I'm definitely checking out the link.