Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Go By

I just LOVE that feeling of revisiting old favourite songs and finding that they still have that same warm, wonderful effect as they did when they were new to my ears.  Elliott Smith's "Go By" is one of them.  I just love its classical touches, the way it sort of crests like a musical wave around 1:30-2:00.  Hope you had a lovely day! I did!


  1. I love when you post about Elliott Smith! (Er, obviously I love when you post gorgeous pics and outfits too ;) ) He's been my favourite musician for around 10 years and I was so so so sad when he died. Keep spreading the Elliott love! x

  2. YAY! So glad to connect with other avid E.S. fans. My love for this "tragic talent" (Em, you've articulated it perfectly) has never waned.

  3. Oh - just stumbled over this post (I am way behind my schedule - "blogwise"..) Maybe I am very dull but I still love "Needle in the Hay" - one of my alltime favourites.. Thank you for psoting another beautiful song of E.S.!
