Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Real Peach

After days of rain and grey clouds, this afternoon afforded the perfect opportunity to sit out on the front steps of my beloved little vintage home and savour the bliss of a fragrant, perfectly ripened local peach.  Fingers crossed the weather holds for the weekend, so that we can head to the apple orchard that is two minutes from here and fill our cold cellar with HONEY CRISP apples.  YUM!!!
Pssst:  The mid-1930s dress in this photo is for sale (convo via Adeline's Attic if interested) (sorry, the vintage tempting continues).


  1. This dress is so dreamy beyond words! You look lovely!!

  2. So pretty! I don't know how you could bear to part with this dress...

  3. Oh how lovely! I adore that dress!!!

  4. Just lovely! How can you sell that dress?!

  5. I love this photo of you. I've been trying to get my kids to take one photo of me in front of my house steps. You look LOVELY!

  6. You wear the vintage dresses so well!! Enjoy your apples this weekend. I love when apples become the center of every dessert/breakfast/beverage in the fall.

  7. You look so cute--hope you get to go to the orchard...

  8. What a gorgeous dress, love the color and the feminine collar.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    August giveaway

  9. This photo is so sweet! I love the dress!

  10. i think i like the barefeet best ;)

  11. Oh, that is a lovely picture of you, and that dress...

  12. Oh my--that dress is gorgeous!!!!

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  13. thanks, all! If I had more occasion to wear this frilly little depression-era darling, I would keep it.

  14. Glad you liked the bare feet, Lauren. Note to self when posing sans shoes in future: don't clench toes. Just realized my little piggies on my right foot look like alien claws here ;)

  15. Love this picture. My grandma always had her porch steps painted red too. You look divine in 30s!

  16. Beautiful dress! I love the colors...


  17. What a fabulous dress! You look beautiful in it.

  18. awww, thanks. Looks like the dress might be leaving me, though. A sale is pending. I hope I won't regret letting it go!

  19. :) i always clench my toes and fist my hands - and I am not talking about photos, but going about my business or being seemingly "relaxed"!!

    i love the things you are selling, my favorite is the ginger blouse!

  20. I think I do that too, garofit. Yoga has helped a bit, though.

    Glad you like my "wares." I'll be sad to see "Ginger" go, but she just doesn't suit my un-starlet lifestyle!

  21. you look amazingly pretty in this dress

    i love your passion for everything vintage

  22. thank you, vampire. I am TOTALLY regretting selling it now. Seriously, what was I thinking?? Ah well, tis better to have loved and lost and all that. hehe.
