Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cleaning Out My Vintage Closet (Part TWO)

Sorry! More sartorial torture.  More items to be added to my Etsy shop.  Convo to call "dibs":

1940s-50s Sailor Blouse

Authentic 1940s JANTZEN Pin-up Girl Swim Suit

1930s White with Blue and Green Dots Shirtwaist "Sanforized" Day/Spectator Dress

1940s Black Rayon Swag Cocktail/Evening Dress


  1. Thank you for stopping by...Take care.x.

  2. Why must you be smaller than me?! Its not even a lot! But its enough that all these things do is tease me :(

  3. The 1940's Black Cocktail/Evening Dress is one I would dream of wearing. So sophisticated. Love it!

  4. Hey, Rueby, the white 30s dress and the black 40s cocktail dress are being sold because they are too big on me, never know? One or both might fit you to a tee?

  5. thanks again, dolls! It can indeed be an exercise in restraint to let these lovelies go, but I know they just don't fit me as well as other items in my closet. Besides, I have faith I will find other lovelies!!
