Saturday, January 28, 2012

Close Up on Coats, One

With the chilly winter weather swirling outside, it's inevitable that we Canadian gals sometimes put as much thought into our outerwear as our indoor outfits! To this end, some 30s catalogue images of coats, some not unlike my 'new' pretty, worn in the last post (and likely to appear in future blog posts :)).


Stephanie Lynn said...


Kate said...


loveaudrey said...

These are beautiful.

I actually used some pictures I found on your blog of 1930s coats as inspiration for the coat I wore to get married in 2 weeks ago, so thank you, you never fail to inspire me :)

Loveaudrey xxx

Unknown said...

I would like all of those to materialise on my lap right now!

garofit said...

I would love a 30's winter coat, something along the lines of the blue one, what a joy that would be...

Anonymous said...

So elegant!

Emily & Gracie said...

I second what Hannah said. These are friginamazing.


Second Hand Rose said...

Gorgeous coats, they had such a lovely sense of style then! XxxX