Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pink Martini

Speaking of pink, how about a little Pink Martini?  First heard them at my dance class.  Must study Rita's moves in this video to improve my dreadful rhumba hips.


  1. Love, love, love Pink Martini! If you haven't seen them in concert yet..make sure to catch their act if they are ever in your area. :)

  2. I have never heard of them thanks for posting.

  3. I really like them. I keep meaning to watch out for their concerts. I'd be a great chance to dress up and listen to some incredible music. I wish I'd picked up their Christmas album from Starbucks...

  4. Oh, good luck to you! A friend has tried once to teach me basic rumba moves, but I was totally incapable of learning any! I'm not really dreadful when it comes to dancing, but I think perhaps I'm not suited to this dance, which is a shame as it's lovely! To my general surprise I seemed to get one better with the ballroom than the latino - it's maybe the sexiness of it all that throws me, having said that I'm not exactly full of grace either...Anyway, it was just a little taster/teaser, I'd love to learn dancing properly. I'd be happy to master one dance of each group, and for the ballroom I have my ambitions set high on the foxtrot...Hope that day comes at some point.
    In the meantime, it would be good to return to the dancing I did do until a year ago when I had a back injury at work. I'm better now, so I am hoping to return soon to my beloved balboa, and also the lindy hop and the Argentinian tango. The last one because I won't be defeated, although for the period my husband and I have done it there were arguments and tears before, during and after nearly every class! We are one of those unfortunate cases of couples who argue a lot when dancing, I'm sorry to say it's not a pretty sight...But I'd better stop now, before I reveal any more embarrassing details about me :).

  5. I've been loving what I've heard of Pink Martini so far, so glad to share! Miss Sandra, thanks for the tip. Will do!!

    garofit: yes, we did some basic classes to familiarize ourselves with some of the major categories: we've dabbled in foxtrot, tango, swing, rhumba, and waltz. We're also going to do a bit of two-step, charleston, etc. I definitely love foxtrot, waltz, and swing so far. Too bad you and your hubby found the lessons so emotional! My mister and I are finding it a lovely opportunity to spend "face" time together. We did make sure to promise one another not to get excessively high expectations that we were going to come out of the lessons ready to be the next Fred & Ginger, so that's taken some pressure off and we've being having fun fun fun!

  6. Thank you! They are new to me.

  7. love love love ; )



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  10. thank you!!!!

    iz bakinog ormara: big hugs and right back at ya, babes!

  11. Oh, the clothes in Gilda! Makes me want to go to the fabric store.

    I love Pink Martini (found out about them through ballroom dancing, too!). I'm laughing about your "dreadful rhumba hips." Can't be that bad!

  12. she's reaaly a good dancer,especially on those heels!
