Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In the Pink

Thanks to loads of home-made carrot ginger soup, dozens of vintage movies, and the well- wishings of family, friends, and virtual strangers, I am happy to report that I am pretty much back "in the pink," as it were.  Well, almost...I'm still a bit pale and fatigued.  Still, I thought I would share two pretty pink items which arrived in time to brighten my day yesterday: first, a lovely daffodil printed pink 30s dress, which I purchased from Wildfell Hall Vintage, and which I am going to wear to a special Valentine's social at my dance class on Thurs (breaking my "don't dance in vintage rule" just this once, with the aid of dress shields).  Next, an amazing little hand mirror from the estate of Lana Turner & Besame lippy sample, a wonderful little valentine's gift from a dear friend.  When I was a little girl, my whole world was pink. I was a total girly-girl. I had a pink canopy bed and most of my clothes (99% of which were dresses) were pink.  I think my grandmother started this pink obsession, as I was the only grand-daughter and she didn't want anyone mistaking her new grand-baby for a boy, so she made sure I was always draped in pink! Anyway, this frock brings me back to those girlish days.  Feminine is fun sometimes!


  1. Oh my goodness that gown is fabulous!!!!!!

  2. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Being sick is NO FUN.

    I love the sleeves on your dress! I definitely need a dress with sleeves like that.

  3. That pink dress is incredibly pretty. Was that really Lana Turner's mirror? I can't imagine looking in a mirror and knowing her face had appeared in there once; that's amazing.

    I just recently stumbled across your blog, and I love it; you so perfectly exude the 30s!

  4. Ooh, charming print on that dress!

  5. Glad you're feeling better!

    The estate of Lana Turner! Wow! Fantastic!

  6. oh wowee is that dress gorgeous! I love that print

  7. Lovely dress!!! Feel better soon!

  8. That dress is amazing, you look so nice in pink! Glad you're better.
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  9. You look amazing, as usual. I myself am not a fan of pink for little girls at all (gender stereotyping) and though this color suits me, it gives me the creeps to see all the Barbie versions of girls, even adult women in Mexico, with barbie pink rose accessories. Tacky, aweful.
    I guess there is pink and there is "pink" as you wear it.

  10. The dress is lovely but the hand mirror is even more exciting!

  11. What a lovely, lovely dress, and it's lovely to see you feeling better and being gracious as always.

    And look, your pinky is sticking out too! (mine does that all the time) :)

  12. dress suits you amazingly, great choice. xx

    My frocks arrived today, nom nom xxx

    hehehe great pictures x

  13. You look beautiful in pink, and I am tres Jealous of your Lana mirror! Very pleased to hear you are feeling better. :) x

  14. Ahh!! So pleased soneone has got out of the glum! I need to follow suit before it drags me under. You lovely outfit is the first step I shall take to cheeryness! :)

  15. thank you all! it truly IS from Lana Turner's Estate! Dakota, I had that same thought. So incredible!

    Lauren H: Longer fluttery sleeves like these are my favourite!! Definitely one of many popular 30s design features I adore!

    Iz bakinog ormara: It's funny, when I was a little girl, I was very stereotypically feminine. I played with dolls, wore only dresses, loved pink, etc. But then, as a young adult, I definitely went the other way (part of coming of age during the third wave of feminism). Now, I'm at a different place in my life where I think sometimes I prefer ladylike to overtly exposed --so this is where I agree with you about the whole Barbie culture. I could also rant about the possible effects of young girls being too entrenched in the 'princess" ideology, but will spare you all that. Point is: pink is still a very gendered colour in many circles, but I can tell you that my hubby is very likely going to be wearing his favourite Gatsby pink shirt (as we call it) on Thurs. :)

  16. So glad to hear you're on the mend! :) That dress is absolutely lovely and suits you to a t! Have fun wearing it!!! :)

    ♥ Casey

  17. Such a lady like comment, but am not surprised at all, as you're my model, you know :)
    and about the Barbie culture here, it literally means having Barbie stamps on bags.

    a Gatsbz Pink shirt, I love the idea! with his color complexion (I've seen him in other photos) he'll sure look great!

  18. Ooo your dress! Ooo i'm wearing your old dress! it arrived today and I had to pop it on immediately I LOVE IT! AND His Lordship loves it... which is definately a seal of approval. thank you for your kind words about my uke post, your dress helped my recording :D. How's your eye sweetheart? xx

  19. that darn dress looks as though it has always belonged with you. :)

  20. thank you, Casey and iz bakinog ormara and Lauren! I'm so excited to wear it tonight!

    Gemma: hurrah! it looks perfect on you. I'm so happy you are so happy!!!
