Friday, February 11, 2011

Officer of Hearts

After three hours of dancing at last night's Valentine's Social, I am exhausted. I don't even have any cute photos from the event, as the place was packed and the lights were dimmed, and a person would get mowed over by other amazing dancers if you stopped to snap a pic!  Some other time!  Anyway, I'm off for the weekend and thought I'd post another valentinesy vintage pic that has captured my fancy.  I think it should be entitled "Officer of Hearts" (which is actually the name of a song by Montreal Band, the "Handsome Furs," though the song really has nothing to do with the picture.  Just a random fact).  Hope everyone has a love-ly weekend!! Over and out!


  1. Wonderful Valentine's Day outfit.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Cute!
    That dance sounds like it was divine.

  3. Precious! What a clever idea. What kidn of dancing do you do?

  4. It's amazing how straight her hand really is.

  5. What a cute suit! I really like the cuffs with their oversized buttons and I think I might just have to make myself a huge heart headband.

  6. I niominated you for the Stylish Blog Award over on my blog!

  7. Trying to see beyond the hearts and I love the suit itself!
