Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pattern Pairing, Part Three

A big thanks to my twitter pal, iliveinmylab, for finding this pattern image.  Appears that back in the 1930s, THIS was the pattern the creator of the 'valentine' gown in my shop used to make her glorious frock!  So, if you have this pattern in your stash, you can make your own!  LOVE it!

Source: carbonated


  1. You're always so good at finding a pattern, or photo, or ad that matches vintage clothing that you own.

    I LOVE!!! your Valentine dress. Somebody's going to snatch it up soon, I'm sure!

  2. Also, Wearing History had a reproduction of that very pattern available for a while! It's amazing, so distinctive! :)

  3. Aaaah someone who owns this seriously needs to scan it and share the wealth! Haha

  4. LOVE it! I love when you find the pattern pairing for the vintage frocks! It is so much fun!!

  5. Utterly gorgeous!!
    I'm yet to progress to making things from patterns, I'm still stuck at the alterations stage. Maybe one day...
    Miss P xx

  6. Brilliant, hope someone gets to make that stunning dress from the pattern.

  7. Oh wow! That might be the coolest thing I've ever seen!

  8. I think it's so neat that you keep finding the pattern for your dresses! Goes to show how many people made their own clothes. (Makes me feel lazy!)

  9. I really like this pattern pairing series. keep it up! It really helps to see how something looks on paper, and then then in reality. Well, virtual..

  10. Oh wow! That is so fantastic, I love seeing these original sources. I mgiht have to start keeping files of old patterns so I can do matching myself, wouldn't it be great if there was a big database somewhere we could use to check x

  11. Oh wow--how fun that you found the pattern that the dress is created from! Now I can drool over the dress and pattern. haha!

    ♥ Casey
