Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pajama Pity Party

Laid low by a nasty cold/flu bug and a little burst blood vessel in my eye, the blog posts may be fewer and far between for the next few days.  For now, I leave you with some vintage pattern images of the only fashion I feel able to wear right now: Pajamas and nightgowns!  Looks like blondie at right just below has the sniffles, too, much to the dismay of her brunette friend.

sources: carbonated and sewvintagepatterns


  1. I LOVE pajamas! I've made up that first pattern....I LOVE it!! Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather! Get well soon!

  2. Beautiful, love the pink on in the second to last pattern.

    Feel better!!!

  3. I love it when pattern covers have stories! The blog 'dress a day' writes some really hilarious ones. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I hope you get feeling better soon!!! Lovely images.

  5. Feel better! Being sick in the winter is the worst. Hope you have a fast recovery :)

  6. Feel better soon! And thanks for sharing the great pajamas patterns! :)

  7. Aw... sorry you're not feeling well! There seems to be something rather nasty going around lately... Sending lots of get-well wishes! :)

    Love these pattern images; 30s loungewear was so elegant! :)

    ♥ Casey

  8. They sure don't make them like they used Hollywood Glam!!!!
    Love it, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  9. thank you all for your get well wishes!! This nasty bug is lingering on and on.

    Miss Emmi: I totally love making up dialogue for the images as well!!

    Debi: Ah ha! I KNEW that set looked familiar! I went back to your blog archive and now I remember how beautiful yours looks! I'd love to try making one of these myself, if I can find a pattern in the right sizing! Fantastic!

  10. I love this post! I actually made the last pattern for my current winter nightgown. Pink flannel-back satin, trimmed with narrow green-triangle-woven ribbon instead of embroidery. I love it. :D

  11. Gorgeous patterns!

    I'm sorry you're sick! Boo! I suggest drinking as many hot toddies as possible and watching oodles of old movies. Stat!

  12. Hope you feel much better soon!!

  13. Ahhh that polka dot set, love it!

    The prices at the vintage expo were pretty high. Usually I'm able to find decent deals, dresses for $60-$100 but everything I picked up this time were really pricey. Dresses were around $150-$350 for 40s-50s dresses... a lot of the 20s dresses started at $250 and that's without lining and a few flaws... it was pretty ridiculous!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    ♥ Rodellee from Adorevintage

  14. Ooh what fun! I'm totally coveting a pair of 30s lounging pyjamas right now.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage

  15. Sorry to hear you're poorly - get well soon.

    LOVE these pyjamas. The lady in the last one seems to be clutching the same little white item as the first one. Perhaps it's not a tissue. By the look on their faces, I'm guessing it's something naughty - either a saucy note or sleeping pills...

  16. WOW. back when pjs were gorgeous. i want to make these!! feel better soon hon

  17. again, kind thanks for your get well wishes. Almost there!!

    Tilly: LOL! You're right. Something sly is going on in the world of those illustrated gals :)

  18. Boo, hope you're feeling better lady! I really wish I had a collection of vintage jammies, it would be a huge step up from slumming it in my stretched out leggings and tshirts...
    get well soon! x

  19. love those nightgowns - stylish in the vening!
    get well
