Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tea and Matisse

After days of cabin fever, we finally decided to brave the snowy weather for a day of tea (at my favourite little tea house in town) and Matisse (some of his works are on display at the local Art Gallery).  Since we parked near my favourite historical site, Whitehern House, I couldn't resist a little baronial photo op.  While inside, I learned of an amazing local early 20th century artist whose works I had never seen.  His name was William Blair Bruce paintings and his works were just gorgeous. His use of colour, the sense of movement and detail in his huge canvases, his ability to capture light and shadow=WOW.  Anyway, this ended up being my perfect sort of day: a peaceful and civilized little outing centred around tea and art!  Didn't hurt to have an excuse to wear some of my favourite vintage items out and about either. Lovely day!

Outfit Details:
1930s crocheted hat: vintage fair
1930s jacket: ebay
30s plaid scarf and knit skirt: Tottie on etsy
30s style lace up oxford shoes: Gravity Pope, forever ago
30s style blouse: nudeedudee


  1. Lovely outfit, the colour really suits you!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  2. You look as pretty as a picture yourself. I love everything, and most especially the shoes.
    x Comtesse x

  3. Aww you look so cute!!! Great outfit! :)

  4. Ohhh you look wonderful, love the little flash of tartan the scarf gives the whole outfit! A visit to a tea house and art gallery sounds like the perfect way to shake that awful cabin fever :D

  5. You look lovely, as you always do!

  6. Dear Carys: thank you! In retrospect, the scarf was a bit more orange than the skirt, but I was determined to make everything work!

    Comtesse: kind thanks! I'm trying to remember what label they are (all I know is they are non-vintage, but vintage inspired. Perfect for wear out in the slush, as they are weather proofed and not a pair of precious 30s shoes!).

    Harlow Darling: thank you!! I love my plaid, so the scarf was a perfect way to help keep the winter chill out of the wide neckline of the jacket.

    Emily, Kim: thank you! xoxo

  7. You have quite the knack for putting together amazing winter outfits---and I love your purse/handbag!

  8. thanks! It actually took me a while to figure this one out. I was so tired of my parka and clunky winter boots!

  9. You look lovely. I'm particularly smitten with the hat!

  10. That sounds like my idea of a lovely day, too. And you look gorgeous to boot.
    -Andi x

  11. Awh you look great! That painting is nice, I'd love to hang it to my room's wall :D

    autumn, coffee and inspiration

  12. oh Baroness you're just soo beautiful! i love this outfit,it really suits you,and i particularly like the last pic when you're wearing the hat

  13. A perfect outfit for a perfect day out- you are looking super again, Miss! Especially love your beret and bag! Tups x

  14. Gorgeous outfit as always. I bought a dapper little 1930s hat yesterday and it made me think of you :)

  15. Looks and sounds like a wonderful day

  16. Beautiful! You always look so chic :)
    Sounds like a perfect day!

  17. thanks, Katia, Tickety Boo, Penny, VildesVerden, Lauren!! It *was* such a lovely, low key day!

    As for the hat, I would love to actually make myself a few of these (one in every color?), but in the meantime, the vintage one in the pic is a favourite topper.
