Monday, January 17, 2011

Staying Warm

Like many of you, I reaaaaallly can't wait for spring and I've already started thinking about what to wear next season, once the snow goes.  However, the fact is that it's still cold and wintry where I am, so I started looking back over my archive of fall and winter 1930s images...when what to my wandering eye should appear but an image that captures lovely ladies from Fall/Winter 1934 clad in hats and dresses that look just like two items that are shop bound:  I just love warm hot cocoa on a wintry afternoon.


  1. i have some fierce love for that hat, dare i say.

  2. oh lovely sensible dresses- how I love thee in an unsensible way! want.

  3. I love the shoes in the third image, they are perfection.

  4. oh dear---you are tempting me with more hats :-)

  5. Love the hat and dress. I love brown, too. Its much easier to wear than black I think.

  6. Lovely to see proper winter dresses, designers today seem to think that central heating means chiffon all year round.
