Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shop Update

Some of the many items I've either already listed or will be listing in the shop over the next while (if you were wondering where I've been and what I've been up to, now you know ;).  I hope to do some sort of non-shop outfit post soon?!?...


  1. These are just gorgeous. Great to find your blog!

  2. Ha, crocheted neckwear! I wonder why that appeals to me:).
    I have a few of these in my favorites already: the yellow hat, the lace jacket (which I've seen first time around too), and the beautiful red and green dress, that I've been drooling all over - the measurements close to mine make it all more difficult!

  3. Such wonderful finds. I particularly love the yellow hat!

  4. glad you like the goodies ;)

    garofit: yes, you look like you stepped out of that booklet in your latest posts! As for that first dress (which actually has these glorious coral colored poppies on it), it got snapped up by someone right out of the gate...

  5. Fabulous finds! I'd love to have a peek inside that Minerva Style Book...

  6. LOVE the hats very very much. I suspect they are about to become the latest magpie obsession.....

  7. I just wanted to let you know that Adeline's attic is one of my favorite shops on Etsy. You are an inspiration. I'm glad to have found your blog!

  8. Were ever do you find all these treats Baroness! Gorgeous! :)

  9. thank you, gals! I think my shop items are a reflection of my own obsessions (esp. with HATS)!

    Chelsea: oh, that is SO kind of you to say. Thank you!!!

  10. ooo, gorgeous stuff. My fave is the lace blouse or perhaps the last dress! Cant decide, its all so fabulous!
