Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Water for Elephants

Is anyone else curious about the forthcoming movie adaptation of Sara Gruen's novel, Water for Elephants, starring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattison and the fantastic Christoph Waltz?  I snuck a peek at some set stills and like the intriguing mingling of 30s depression era hobo, circus, and starlet glam stylings.


  1. This looks great - classy costumes. Thanks for the update.

  2. That book is on my list to read, I really should get round to it now, these stills look great!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  3. The back of that black gown looks suspiciously like the one you posted that Ginger was wearing in one of the early Fred and Ginger movies I can't remember the name of right now (haven't had my tea yet).
    Except her belt's on backwards. :p

  4. I wasn't a huge fan of the book, but the visuals for the movie look fantastic! Now I'm getting excited about the movie. And my husband's always excited to see Reese in a movie...

    Love her tan trousers.

  5. The cloths in this film are to die for, cant wait to see it, thanks for sharing with us.

  6. I can't wait for this. The costumes look great and I love Reese Witherspoon. It's neat to see her wearing vintage costumes that you might see on a star today, or in a street style blog (where I imagine a look like that would fit right in.)

  7. I'm sort of dreading it as I loved the book so much. Cinema has a bad habit of taking great books and destroying them........

  8. I'd like to see Christoph Waltz in this. :") Till now I did not know, that he was in it! Reese Witherspoon looks fantastic. I like her outfit on the second picture best. (I mean the first picture which actually shows her.)

  9. i'm curious too. the costumes look great.

  10. Oh yes i am! Been watching the trailer for weeks and want to see it now!

  11. Frl. Irene: oh dear, I called him Hans Landa :) HAHAHAHAH! Thank you, I meant Christoph Waltz, whom I think is such a DOLL, not to mention a fabulous actor.

    Miss Magpie: I know what you mean. I'm excited yet trying not to get my hopes too high b/c I have high expectations of movies made from books I've read.

    Reese DOES seem to wear "Roberta" esque gowns in this for sure, Lauren! Reminds me of Ginger's gown in the final fashion show, but also the earlier "Peeled Eel" gown as well. Hmm, what IS with that rhinestone belt being on backwards?? odd!!

    I have to admit I am adoring Reese in that sporty outfit best (love the hair scarf). Mr. Pattison looks quite dashing in the fashions of the era, but the more "dustbowl" working man's garb and flashier tuxs, etc. Who knew?

  12. yeah i'm curious, but mostly because of the costumes...the story didn't really get to me(saw the trailer) but maybe it's worth seeing anyways...

  13. YESSS! When I saw the preview I nearly fainted! haha

  14. I hadn't even heard of this, it looks extremely enticing x

  15. Looks very intriguing cannot wait to see it!!!

  16. These photos have piqued my interest---I think I just found another book to read this year.

  17. I love the book, but I am not too sure I want to see it in film, especially as it could be a pap adaptation. But... then again.... it has got Pattinson in it.... looking 1930's dustbowl rugged.... oh.. i am SO shallow.

  18. Perhaps yo´ve already done a post on this, but have you seen Board Walk Empire? I´ve only seen one episode yet, but when I did I thought of you ;)

  19. Diva, YES, I am an avid watcher! Can't wait for the new season...

  20. Yes, I am quite intrigued by this film. Though I wonder how many teeny boppers will be in attendance just because of RPats? I wouldn't be able to deal with their celebrity crushing in the theater.

  21. I'm so excited to see the costumes in this movie! Looking forward to it.

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage
