Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scarlet Skater

How neat: after blogging more than once about ice skating, I found the neatest little 1940s two-piece red velvet skating ensemble to put into the Etsy shop!  Isn't it darling?! I was going to attempt to squeeze myself into it for some listing photos on ice, but all wintry ice and snow disappeared this weekend after temperatures went above 10C and rain set in!  Ah well, Hazel the mannequin's smaller measurements (35.5-26.5-36) show it off to better advantage....which reminds me: you will notice that she has lost her stand: poor creature has since lost her top as well, so she's going to need some surgery to get her back in working order.


  1. I have an old picture of my husband's mother wearing a little skating outfit like this -- it would be so cold...brrrrr....but, we must suffer to be beautiful!

  2. Love this! Will be very interested to see further pictures and measurements when it goes in your shop : )

  3. SO CUTE! im curious about whether there's anything special about the way the set is made that distinguishes it as a skating outfit? some kind of inner lining or something? or is it just the style?
    i love seeing these images all together - great job digging up the illustration and pattern to match!

  4. Mary R: yes, skating outfits are definitely designed more for style than warmth!!

    Andrea: that info will be coming very soon!!

    honey hi: the shape of the jacket tells me it's 40s, the length of the skirt (well above knee length--probably mid-thigh length) indicates it's a skating dress. I have to double check but I think both pieces are lined with an acetate fabric. Something I uncovered through some research: skating dresses/outfits from the 30s (pre-war) were a bit longer than those of the 40s (though still shorter than regular 30s day dresses and skirts).

  5. How wonderful! I could see myself wearing that, everything about it screams me,alas the measurements will be again too big, plus I don't actually skate...

  6. So cute. Unfortunately I don't skate either and won't quite fit into that beautiful outfit. It's in my favourite colour too, what a shame!

  7. Amazingly adorable! Enjoyed reading all of your research and knowledge.

  8. So incredibly cute Mrs. Baroness!

    xoxo~Happy New Year!

  9. Ohh, that's so flippin' gorgeous! I'm sure there's no practical time to wear such a thing, but it's very lovely all the same!
