Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Frock For All Seasons: A Look Back at My Vintage Fashion Year

I thought about doing a post depicting my favourite personal moments in 2010, but let's get real: this is a vintage fashion blog, not a family album, so I thought I would instead present a look back at my top 12 personal favourite vintage looks from the past year with only brief musings about the memories and experiences they evoke.  In 2010 and earlier, I did a lot of experimenting with different vintage styles and looks; such experimentation has led to some disastrous and outlandish results, some of which you may have seen on this blog.  However, it has also really helped me to establish a much more cohesive and confident sense of my own vintage style, which is sort of centred around cultivating a better instinct about which vintage pieces in my hoard make me feel like my best vintage mid-thirty-something self.  Those of you who started following my blog more than a year ago will probably recall my dabblings with wartime fashion. In 2010, I feel like I found my fashion "voice" primarily through the fabulous and varied styles of the 1930s. These are the outfits that I know I will wear (and have worn) again and again.  It is only by reminding myself that I have a core wardrobe of items that really convey my style and that I feel happy and comfortable wearing that I am able to continue my constant process of culling my vintage "herd" regularly, while staving off pangs of regret or separation anxiety induced when I sell off some of the other items in my closet which I just don't wear or which just don't fit properly, etc.  

I've acquired quite a few 30s knitted dresses this year and sold most of them off, but this navy one is my favourite "keeper" of all. This photo brings back awesome memories of my first vintage clothing fair!

I love my vintage rayon dresses and this frock has seen me through numerous occasions.  Being black and white, it can be dressed up or down, and the silhouette makes me feel ladylike but comfortable.  Another great memory conjured here: my day at the Fashion History Museum

I can't wait to wear this amazing 30s dress, from Dear Golden, outside of my backyard in 2011.  One of the coolest moments I had this past year was finding a copy of the pattern which the talented depression-era seamstress had used to make this wonderful frock.

This photo not only makes me long for warm sunny summer days to come, but captures one of my top favourite vintage finds of all time: a 1930s sailor dress made of flour sack!

My other "holy grail" vintage find for 2010: a 1930s crocheted evening gown--an absolute unicorn in dress form.

Another great image capturing wonderful summer days spent in our green backyard with my #1 sidekick.  This is my "peas and carrots" dress, my favourite 1930s cotton dress find to date.

A reminder of how lucky I am to live in the Niagara region and an aide-memoire of a fantastic day spent amongst the vines during a summer festival.  I have worn this early 30s sheer cotton voile dress over and over again....

This is my #1 favourite vintage 30s dress in my closet.  Period.  As I have worn it to some of my favourite events (including a fantastic night out with the mr. for dinner and to see The 39 Steps), it truly takes me to my own personal happy place whenever I wear it.  

A highlight for me in 2010: appearing on the Able Grable website in my Vintage Baroness dress (another absolute staple in my vintage wardrobe).

Whenever I wear my Nudeedudee Quinn blouse and skirt (which is a LOT), I get tons of compliments. Wore this outfit out for a fabulous birthday (and the blouse was such a special present I bought myself with b-day money). 

I am a lucky lucky Baroness to own this 30s coat, which I love to bits: thanks Tottie!

I haven't worn both pieces of this 30s suit out together yet, but each piece has gotten a lot of wear on its own this winter.  Expect to see the coat...and the whole suit in many more future posts.  
Whew, I am one vintage clothes-horse, it is true.  Eeks! Happy New Year, kittens!


  1. You have the most incredible vintage wardrobe I've ever seen!! Your style suits you perfectly, you are so elegant in every way!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  2. YOUR COLLECTION IS AMAZING! great post. also i cant believe you found the pattern for that very dress! that is great!

  3. Love these- perfect fit it seems! The Peas and Carrots and sailor dress are fabulous, and of course your dress from Dear Golden is lovely- especially having the pattern too!

    I've bought so many vintage patterns in the past few years, but haven't taken the leap to trying to make one yet...maybe in 2011...

  4. Wowzers! You look so amazing in these wonderful outfits! You can tell these are the goodies of your wardrobe as you're positively glowing in each of them!

  5. You are so beautiful, you do look like you have just come right out of the past!! You are so luck to be able to pull them off in this day and age, I am jealous!! I love your style and wish I could find awesome dresses like this!!

    Kitty x

  6. thank you every so much! it's taken me a lot of time and trials to hone in on what suits...(it's so easy to lose one's own fashion perspective when surrounded by so many stylish bloggers, such as yourselves!). One of the perks of selling vintage--I have more time and opportunity to find these gems--in wearable condition and in my size and price range. Anyway, I really thank you all for your kind words.
    thatdamngreendress: sewing (possibly using vintage patterns) more is at the top of my New Year's list as well!!

  7. whoops, that should say "thank you so very much!" :)

  8. What a year of gorgeous frocks 2010 was, I hope 2011 will be the same!
    One thing I want to do when I'm a little more ready is learn to use the sewing machine (my first try was traumatic haha) so that I could perhaps become good enough to try and recreate vintage style dresses for myself to wear. I'd never be able to wear any real vintage for fear of damaging something so precious but I definately want to one day recreate some of my own!

    Happy New Year :)

  9. Tilly: thank you! It's true that I totally FEEL happier and carry myself differently in these outfits than I do when wearing fashion from every other decade, so it's interesting that it comes across in these outfit posts!

  10. What a lovely collection of vintage!
    You look absolutely lovely in every frock, but I have to say, that killer black suit is my favorite... What a find!
    Happy New Year, and I hope that 2011 will be a happy and blessed year for you and yours. Thanks so much for your blog, and how you inspire us everyday!

  11. I really love this post so much! I love your wardrobe "philosophy"- so true! And all the outfits you pictured suit you to a "T".
    And Happy New Year!

  12. Those dresses are so so cool, i loved every single piece!!

  13. I just found your blog today and Happy New Year BTW! Wonderful blog and lovely outfits, you have found your era for clothing. I believe everybody has a past era that is just right for them.

  14. These outfits are beyond fantastic, I've enjoyed revisiting them, they suit you perfectly, and it's been a fabulous post and a fabulous year reading your blog. You're an inspiration and a great lady. My kindest thoughts go to you at the beginning of this new year.

  15. Oh I am drooooling! These dresses and outfits are so perfect. Only need a vintage photo effect and they look like these are old photos or postcards.. :D

    autumn, coffee and inspiration

  16. This was such a brilliant post! Love every single item of clothing!

  17. Once again, I am so grateful for all your comments, dolls! xoxo!
    I am beyond flattered. Brooksie: I COMPLETELY agree that everyone has an era that is perfectly "them"--though there are a few gals who seem to be able to mix and match eras or who can look equally at home in a number of eras. For the most part, though, I know I have my niche now!

  18. You have such gems in your wardrobe! <3 I have a similar project going on: to find the best vintage style for me - and I'm in my mid-thirties too so it's about time :)

  19. Absolutely gorgeous collection of clothes! I am very jealous of your wonderful finds :) Here's to a lot more finds in the new year! xx

  20. Oh , you are ever amazing in your fabulous dresses, every colour, every item is perfect on you. I adore that red dress! You are so chic and retrò! I really love your style!
    Have a wonderful and happy new year darling!
    Lots of love,

  21. A very Happy New Year to you! This is a fabulous post - it has made my dreary Sunday evening alot brighter! You have, by far, the most enviable wardrobe on the web!

  22. I'm pretty much repeating everyone else but you really DO have an amazing vintage wardrobe. I couldn't pick a favourite but I DO adore your sailor dress. I was half thinking of doing my own retrospective of favourite outfits but wasn't too sure ;]
    -Andi x

  23. Once again, thank you!! I know for a fact that there are some other fashion bloggers out there with more fabulous and extensive wardrobes out there, but I totally appreciate these compliments all the same! xoxo

  24. I like them all,but the sailor dress,the peach gown and the last suit are just sooo beautiful,I wish my vintage wardrobe looked like yours!

  25. Your style is impeccable! Every single out fit is perfect and you are just a doll to look at :)

  26. wow, thanks! I am sooo flattered!

    Miss Tami Lee: thank you! the feeling is mutual, you gorgeous creature!

  27. These are gorgeous, and you look marvelous in them. The 1930s sailor dress made of flour sack is my favorite, I love sailor clothing!!!

  28. Fabulous finds Lady! You have amazing taste :.)

    I'm loving that curly lamb jacket, those 30s jackets are so amazing!

  29. !!!!!! I was going through your old posts that I hadn't read yet and holy mollllly that last one, the black coat suit thingy, is absolutely gorgeous and very flattering. They're all gorgeous, really, but that last outfit is really just freakin' awesome! So, so, lovely!
    - Emily
