Monday, January 3, 2011

New Resolve

Like many other bloggers, I have compiled my own list of New Year's Resolutions.  At the top of the list is a resolution to slow down a bit and not overwhelm myself with too many goals and projects!  Ironically, my #2 and #3 resolutions may just negate #1.  #2: start sewing again.  The first New Year's sewing project I want to tackle is making kitchen drapes, but I can already feel myself wanting to skip over that "must do" chore and instead dive into making something out of this gorgeous heart-printed 20s-30s cotton fabric I bought off Etsy quite a while back. I'm thinking of making it into a dress from a copy of an early 30s pattern I have had stashed away.  If I get it done in time, it would be a cute Valentine's Day frock (though perhaps a little too light for the weather).

Resolution #3: Regain my lost momentum in relation to crocheting.  I had started a second hat, but didn't follow the project to completion.  The fact is, I wish I could instantly have the skill to make something more advanced, but one must walk before one can run, so part of this resolution is really again about slowing down and taking one step at a time.  STILL, I hope to get a copy of Vol. 2 of the A Stitch in Time book when it comes out (at the end of March, just in time for my birthday ;).  Projects like that gown on the cover are fantastic motivation to keep at it!!


  1. Lady, you're so instructive and didactic. thank you for sharing your knowledge. I've just seen A stitch in time vol.1. the outfits are amazing. Do you have the Vol 1. As I am a total crochet begginer, are the instructions helpful?

  2. Hello! Yes, I do have vol. 1 and agree it's amazing! I love that book because it includes copies of the original patterns but also gives instructions the modern knitter and crocheter can better understand (and it gives both UK and US instructions). They also suggest yarns that we can actually buy in the 21st century (the vintage pattern books often were put out by yarn companies that no longer exist, and often recommend types of yarn blends that can be tricky to find nowadays). My favourite part of Stitch: the color photographs showing some stunning examples of how the vintage patterns (usually shown in black and white) can look done up. The models they use are just gorgeous! Thanks!!

  3. i am the same way about wanting to skip ahead to more advanced things! i have abandoned many pursuits in this way while the more disciplined acquire the proper skills over time. good advice to take it slow!

  4. oh yes, I've got the need-to-make-curtains-before-a-dress blues as well.

  5. I wanted to let you know before you buy the Stitch in Time two that the author is releasing it as knitting only and releasing the crochet patterns in a different book. It's a pretty spendy book so I wanted to make sure you didn't waste your money if you want to crochet.

  6. oh, thanks for this info! I was going by the subtitle of the book as shown on their website, which was "Knitting and Crocheting patterns..." but will now rethink this item!

  7. I've published some pics from the vol.1. and of course, said you were my source (and inspiration). please have a look.

  8. I don't think I am going to get very far with any resolutions I can think up. So - i wish you all the very best with yours! :)

  9. Yay for sewing! That fabric is amazing - can't wait to see the dress!

  10. One more bit of info, I was checking out the topic on Ravelry about the book and she thinks the crochet book will be out more or less the same time as the knitting book with a special discount for those who purchase both.
