Thursday, January 27, 2011

Follow the Fleet

Last night I watched Follow the Fleet (1936), another Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical flick.  While it is not as dear to my heart as Roberta, Bernard Newman's costumes had me drooling once again.  As ever, I am unable to give you lovely costume stills because silly old Netflix Canada does not offer this film on its annoyingly slim menu of classic movies, but I can assure you that if you love adorable sailor getups, chic skirt suits, and dazzling evening gowns (including that drool-worthy plaid gown below), you won't be disappointed!  A young Lucille Ball  (in centre of first image below) has a part in the movie, too, and I have to say, she stole every scene she was in.  Anyway, the costumes have given me some great "resort" fashion ideas (sailor tops and neck scarves and cute little trousers, oh my)!


  1. I was just watching this last week! :) It's one of my favorites for the yummy clothes (and of course, dancing! ;); I keep meaning to do a post about it...

    ♥ Casey

  2. I never would have recognized Lucille Ball, Um wow.
    Look at how beautiful they all look, I really need to start watching all the old movies again.

  3. Ooo I've not seen this... want to now. I'm loving that brunette ladies marcel too :) xx

  4. oh, yes, Casey, please do a post (with screen caps!!) xoox

    Jessica: I KNOW! She was so tall and lanky and brilliant! She plays a jaded and sarcastic fashion stylist type person.

    Gemma: I believe that gorgeous brunette was Harriet Hilliard. Her hair is just divine in this movie (she undergoes a "geek to chic" makeover but her hair is perfect both before and after, in my opinion!).

  5. One of my all time favorite movies. It always makes me smile

  6. Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire got me hooked on vintage! I saw Shall We Dance? at a friend's house in preschool and I've been an addict ever since.

    I love the costumes! It's nice to see casual wear in a movie from the 30s.

  7. Love the old movies because of the styles and decor. Will have to watch this one!!!!
    Thanks for sharing, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  8. These impeccable coiffures in the first picture, oh my!

  9. The hair dos are certainly smashing! that brunette is perfection!

  10. I must put this one on my list. Isn't Ginger's little nautical scarf in the first picture adorable x

  11. This is my favourite Fred and Ginger film, there's something so very magic about it, especially Ginger, she's top notch in it.

  12. The hair is so fabulous, but all that satin makes my eyes hurt!

  13. Adore the hairstyles, love the casual trousers and blouses Ginger is seen wearing more than once...and agree that the satin ensemble Ginger wears is dazzling, but would be blindingly so outside of the fantasy world of the silver screen?
