Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Thanks to those of you who commented on my last post. Your tips for beating the winter blahs have helped already!! Today I feel reinvigorated and ready to list some new goodies in my shop....see below for a sneak peek of some of the items going in the shop.   Winter blahs? BAH...nothing a little vintage (and "Lisztomania") can't cure!!


  1. Oh gosh that last dress...*sighs dreamily* I think I need to save up so I can buy something from your shop, I love what you sell and I am going to recommend you to my friend who loves 40's, 50's, 60's etc vintage like me! And she can more likely afford it! I love looking at all the pictures of them though and wondering what kinda of dress will look good on me so I know when I buy!

    Kitty x

  2. Do you have that hot house flower dress in a larger size!? LOL! I LOVE IT! Beautiful!

  3. I have nominated you for a Stylish Blogger Award, take a peek...

    Lots of love xxx

  4. Hope you get better surounded with these beauties, though they'll sure part with their new owners soon.

    You've tricked me with Lisztomania, thought it had something to do with Liszt (Franz) :)

  5. the hot house flowers dress! And the shoes are dreamy!

  6. God don't I love that lace blouse!...

  7. as ever some wonderful listings, I want those wedding shoes but am scared they won't fit me! So am holding off, sobs xx
