Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let Yourself Go


  1. My favourite song/clip ever!! Ginger's outfit is to die for

  2. My Mum told me an anecdote once, don't know whether it's true, but that Ginger and Fred were drop dead rivals, that she would make such long dress just in order that he'd trip on them and thus made her dancing look better than his.

  3. isn't it the dreamiest?? What a tiny perfect little figure Ginger had!

    iz bakinog ormara: hmmm, I have trouble believing this, because Fred was the creator/choreographer of most dances...and then there's the fact that, as one famous quote once put it, Ginger still had to do everything Fred did but backwards and in heels. Those long dresses were surely more of a hindrance to her than to him (in the closing act, for example, Ginger's dress swings around and literally wraps around her whole legs and torso--if she didn't pivot just perfectly she'd trip herself up). xo

  4. I absolutely love this dance/clip! And as always, Ginger looked so wonderful--as did Fred.

  5. Brilliant!

    But to add to the above comments, and after reading Ginger's autobiography she hardly gave the impression that they were rivals. I don't think they were uber close, I think Fred's wife had some issues with Fred being seen with any other women (he wouldn't even kiss other women). I think they enjoyed the competition of working with each other in as much as they pushed each other to new levels, and yes after they had finished working together they lost touch, but they were still good friends.

  6. Pink Flower, thanks for this info. I've been meaning to read a Ginger's autobiography for ages--this gives me more motivation to do so. Anyway, very interesting!

  7. Hi I have awarded you a Stylish Blogger Award.
    Regards Tallulah May.
