Monday, January 16, 2012

Wearable Vintage Fashion Book Pre-Order

So, I'm pretty excited to announce that the book I'm featured in as a 20s/30s vintage fashion enthusiast, Wearable Vintage Fashion, by Jo Waterhouse and Clare Bridge, is now available for pre-order on Amazon!  I am thrilled and honoured that I was asked to be a part of this text, which promises to be a fascinating read for those of us who seek to integrate vintage fashion into our everyday lives. Visit HERE for more info on the book and a few page mock-ups or go straight to Amazon to pre-order!


Fiona Timantti said...


Chellzapoppin' said...

Lovely! I'll have to give this a plug on SF as well.

Riikka said...

How exciting! Can't wait to get my hands on this.

Isis said...

Sounds very exiting!

art deco dame said...

How exciting!

Kate said...

How exciting! I must see if I can get my hands on a copy when it comes out :)

Charlotte said...

Awesome! What a great idea for a book, too!

xx Charlotte
Tuppence Ha'penny Vintage

Unknown said...

I have just pre ordered it now. It's going to be delivered on my birthday which is a great present from the hubby

Lauren Hairston said...

What a lovely interview with you! Congrats on your appearance in print!

Eileen said...

How fabulous! What a cool thing to be a part of.

Tickety Boo Tupney - A Dash OF Worcester Sauce. said...

I'm a little nervous and excited about this book!
T x

Casey Maura said...

How exciting! Congratulations on being included in the book! I'm intrigued by the book subject-matter, of course--I'd been hoping for quite some time that someone would write about this topic! :) Shall be keeping my eyes open for this one! ;)

BaronessVonVintage said...

Thanks for the support! I can't wait to see the whole book once it comes out in March!

Unknown said...

Wow congratulations Lady! That's such an honor to be included. I look forward to reading it!

Anonymous said...

I've got 5 copies of this book to giveaway on my blog - if you're interested the link is here :)