Sunday, August 15, 2010

Okay, Let's Crochet!

How serendipitous! After having recently posted some drool-worthy images of 30s crocheted caps and such, I came across an awesome post devoted to a step by step visual crocheting tutorial over at The Further Adventures of a Thrifty Mrs!  Once you've got the basics of the chain stitch down, here is a vintage pattern to try out.


  1. I may have to finally learn how to crochet now :)


  2. i love this pattern!!! too bad ive got a million other projects going on at the moment..but before the fall this will definitely be in my knitting backet. thanks for sharing this!

  3. Anyone who uses "serendipitous" is a good egg in my book. Hugs, Mrs. Baroness...

  4. thanks for sharing this and you have a great blog header i love the classic photo

  5. It's supposed to be a excellent knitter, No ?
    Ok don't wait on me !!! ;)

  6. pleasure. I know the feeling of having a million other pots on the boil. I always bite off more than I can chew, but SOON I'll have idle hours to while away with the help of knitting and crocheting patterns!

    Darlene, you're the sweetest ;)

    thanks, vampire! These are my two favourite images of all time.

    Big Mama: I hear ya! I should have a 30s dress knit by about 2020! haha!

  7. Ooh, very nice. I think I'll make mum do one for me. ;]
    -Andi x

  8. Thank you for recommending the crocheting tutorial!! I wanted to learn it properly this fall/winter season.. (I did it once but it was not soooo good. *sigh*) ;")

  9. Thanks for recommending the tutorial on my blog. x
