Monday, August 16, 2010

Knit Picking I

I have a confession.  Although I have a growing collection of 30s knitwear booklets, I love to 'nick' screen caps of some that I do not own or that I cannot afford from Etsy and Ebay listings.  Shhhh...don't tell on me.  Here's a delicious set I just "captured."  Fresh from my morning walk near the woods, I can report that leaves are officially falling from the trees over here.  A couple of them even crunched under my shoes!!  Yep! Time to put the fall fashion plans into overdrive.  Soon I'm going to be knitting, sewing, and cooking up a one-woman storm.  What's more, soon I can get to WEAR my vintage knitwear out and about again.  Yee haw! Sometimes it's the little things that make a Baroness blissful.  Happy Monday! How's YOUR day going?


  1. Swoon....I love!! I can't wait for some fall sewing/wardrobe planning either!

  2. ...i do too, the screen cap thingy...i don't actually have any patterns nor magazines, although that's not an excuse. i want the 7th one down, the one with the long white collar!

  3. oh yes, sewing/wardrobe planning= my raison d'etre ;)

    garofit: that surplice dress is delicious!

  4. I can't imagine how long it would take to knit these! Haha.
    -Andi x
