Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Room With a View

Doing some office cleaning and just realized I haven't let anyone (esp. my family) see how it looks since I painted the walls and redecorated it from a red and blue boys' Spider Man room to my vintage haven.




  1. look at that gorgeousness! i love your desk, and i'm not even going to start about the beauties on the wall!

  2. The clothes on the wall look really good. Just like pieces of art! :)


  3. A HUGE difference for the better. Splendid, simple, and so refined. I love it. Very lovely, Mrs. J!

    P.S. Voting has begun for the Open Call, and ends on August 11th, I don't suppose I could talk you into voting for me, could I? Pretty please?

  4. Soooo much better! Your office looks fantastic. I love the vintage clothes and accessories hanging on the wall - perfect.

  5. wow, you are very clever, I love it, love it!!


  6. Oh, I love how you hung up all the vintage! Beautiful room!

  7. O my goodness, what a dramatic transformation!

    I love how neat and pretty it looks. I can't seem to stay organized, and the mess overwhelms and "pretty" factor that may have existed in my space...sigh. Jealous.

  8. thanks! I plan on switching up the clothes displayed on the wall as the mood strikes. Right now, several of the items hanging are too fragile and decaying to ever be worn again, so I thought they deserved to be enjoyed as wall art. I can't get over how much lighter, airier and more peaceful the room is now that I've vanquished Spidey.

  9. okay, that boy's room was creepy. Spidey looked like he was about to attack me. Aggh!

  10. Heehee...I know what you mean, Ann. Spidey was ripped down the minute I moved in. I don't know HOW I spent a year in that blue and red room, though!
