Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lovely Lady

This has to be one of the nicest 1930s photos I've seen!  Doesn't it almost look more like a photo taken by a modern vintage fashion blogger but made to look 30s?  I think so.  Hope you are having a lovely weekend!


  1. Beautiful photograph of a beautiful lady, and yes it doesn't seem as old as it is!

  2. Yes it does! Actually at first glance it reminded me a bit of Twila Jean.

    ( )

  3. Good God, look at her coy sidewise look. She's beautiful. She could be your sister, baroness!

  4. I agree, it does look like a current photograph, which is what really makes it so lovely. Old photos are great, but they often seem frozen in time, almost ghostly, but this seems alive. A good reminder that humans really haven't changed much since the '30s or any other era.

  5. My thoughts exactly, Ann. People are people. The medium of black and white photography can make events and the people of the past look remote, somehow not like us, but this photo totally disrupts that distance. This girl was real, she lived, she was alive.
