Monday, May 24, 2010

Victoria Day Weekend 2: Croquet!

Here in the former colonies, Victoria Day is sort of a low-key holiday in the sense that there are surprisingly few Victorian activities planned by the local villages and cities.  Much to my chagrin, around these parts, what IS popular is "Fire Cracker" exploding and beer drinking (in certain parts of Canada, this is known as the May "two-four" weekend, which is a slang term for a 24 pack/case of beer).  Drunk people operating explosives: BAD IDEA.  I almost went batty due to a whole weekend of sleeplessness caused by my need to calm my poor doggy every night until the wee hours. He is deathly afraid of fireworks.  Sleeplessness aside, yesterday was spent in the backyard playing that oh-so-Victorian game, CROQUET.  I love how this game is both so civilized and ruthless at the same (I'm thinking of the rule that allows you to knock an opponent's ball to somewhere impossible once your ball hits theirs---I'm suddenly reminded of the famous croquet scene in the opener of that nasty little 80s teen movie, Heathers).  I'm a wee bit sunburned and freckly in the face and have some very bizarre tan lines on the tops of my feet after a scorching weekend in the sun (I should have worn a hat to Avonlea), but all in all, a fabulous time was had.

"Is this how you hold the croquet mallet?" Ours is a travel set so we had to modify the techniques to get the ball to roll.  Although I've got some Edwardian vintage to be added to the shop in a while, I personally don't own any dresses from this era, so I wore my light and airy dotted swiss 1930s "Letty Lynton" inspired dress instead (thanks, Retrogal!)

Assessing the playing field

Queen Victoria had her tricolor Cavalier, Dash. I have my boy, Chance.  He served as sort of a croquet caddy...also, he kept throwing his ball onto the field, so we had to play fetch and croquet at the same time.

Hullo, bloggers! May I kiss you?

Le Baron won both rounds. "Off with your head!" shrieked the Baroness

Beware the sign of the x.  Good game, chap, but are you sure you should have crossed the Red Queen?

B. doesn't wear vintage (YET) but I applaud his Gatsby pink polo (and hilarious golfer's tan lines on his feet). He'll be wearing 1930s linen suits by the end of the summer if I have my way. Next year, a full wardrobe ;)

After-croquet refreshments: homebrewed iced tea and egg salad on baguettes.

Already scheming how to win next round (and how to address these foot tanlines)....


  1. Wonderful photos, lovely dress, and adorable dog. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Hey you, stop owning the most perfect dresses, OK? You're making me envious. :)

    It looks like such a lovely day there in the shade!

  3. That dress just took my breath away, it's simply makes me think of something a silent film heroine would wear, such dreamy splendor! You know, reading your blog always makes me want to travel back in time to somewhere more decadent, where clothes were beautiful and modest and everyone was wholesome. Might need to re-read my Anne of Green Gables books as an escape hehehe...

    Ohhh and Chance is such a cutiepie, he has the most darling eyes and sounds like such fun! I want a little dog of my own sooooo much but for now I must content myself by ohhing and ahhing over other peoples doggies :D

    Lots of love

  4. Wonderful photos! That dress is divine on you, and Chance is such a cutie :-)

  5. i love that dress!!! your dog is sooooo sweet!!!!!!!

  6. I love you dress and your dog is just a doll!!! Mine hate fireworks too. Instead of hiding, they have an annual raid of the pantry for the 4th of July. I hope your doggy has a better night.

  7. Oh, my you play such a lovely, gentle game of croquet! My sister and her in-laws treat croquet as a form of contact sport! Mallets flying, people being tackled....LOL.

    Lovely to see the game played as it was meant to, with iced tea and goodies, and a fabulous hat!

    So tasteful and gracious, as always! Your blog is always a sweet breath of fresh air.

  8. Ah! I love it! croquet, the baron and chance! sounds like it was a perfect day!

  9. beautiful dress! you look a dream!

  10. Oh your dress is gorgeous, perfect for a game of croquet! And what a cutie-pie Chance is :) xx

  11. thank you thank you THANK YOU all. Twas fun! We really do need the heavy duty croquet set, though (or maybe not, hey, Nancy? hehe)

  12. You look gorgeous! I'm incredibly jealous of your wardrobe! Haha. :)
    Your dog is adorable too. I totally forgot it was Victoria Day yesterday, I just slept in because I got a day off work! Hehe. :)

  13. Your doggie is just so precious!! I am loving the dress too.

  14. Adorable, that dress is too sweet to be true! I love your Cavalier by the way, we have a Blenheim - I'm hoping to do a photo shoot with him soon!

  15. Chance (aka, his majesty) thanks you all for your compliments as well. :P

    Lauren, you MUST post pics of your Blenheim!!!

  16. Fabulous photos. It looks like a fun time was had by all. And what an adorable dog!
