Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lilac Jelly

Oh my goodness, lilac jelly is the most divine sounding recipe I've ever come across...had to share the link:


  1. oh wow !!!that sounds so immensely delicious....! I wish I had some cooking skills, but unfortunately I don't. Will you make some for yourself ??

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog and that wonderful jelly recipe! I got it from, if anyone wants to see the original recipe. :)

  3. Goodness, sounds amazing! I really wish lilacs grew in Australia...

    Will you be trying your hand at making this treat?

  4. That sounds delicious! I wish I had lilacs in my yard now.

  5. Amazing! I want to try it now! Xoxo

  6. Sounds delicious! I had no idea lilacs were edible!
    I found a 30's inspired dress and a little blue suitcase at the thrift store today, and felt like I should be off to see you. Haha. :)

  7. Never heard of Lilac Jelly. Worth a try.

  8. Oh, that sounds divine—and reminds of a wonderful violet gelato I once had :-)

  9. No way! Jelly and I are best friends, so I can hardly resist. My mother adores lilacs so I should make this for her.

  10. Mmmmm, delicious! I wanna try :)

  11. I would never have thought that you could eat lilac's. I'm looking at that tree in my garden in a totally different light now.

  12. sadly, it looks like my lilacs bloomed early and are now wilted and brown. I'm going to check with my mother-in-law, who lives further North, as to whether she still has blooms that I can use! If anyone else tries the recipe, I'd love to hear from you re: the results!!

    Jitterbugdoll: violet gelato sounds AMAZING! I have a tried violet pastille candies, but that is all. Sounds so romantic

  13. Our lilacs are the same, wilted and brown, as I just realized when I looked out the window. I'll have to remember this next year!

  14. Thanks so much for the link. That sounds like a great recipe - I had no idea you could actually eat lilacs.

  15. Ooh, definitely saving that! Thanks for the link.
    -Andi x
