Tuesday, November 15, 2011

La La Land

Hello, dear bloggers!  Sorry I've been scarce. Just got back from a FANTASTIC jaunt to Los Angeles.  I have tons of pictures to post of my various adventures, but for now, here's a quick pic of me in my current favourite 1930s dress. I'm posing next to the Elliott Smith Memorial Wall (I am a diehard Smith fan, so this was a special moment for me). Awesome!


  1. That dress is STUNNING!!!! Glad you had a wonderful time in my stomping grounds. Did you do any vintage shopping?

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. Your dress is simply lovely!! I live near LA I hope you got to stop by the museums in Hollywood!!

  3. Oh you lucky duck! Glad you had a blast in LA! You need to come visit Texas next! Also love that dress, it's gorgeous!

  4. Aww, Elliot Smith + a stunning '30s frock makes for one fantastic photo!! Love the print on your dress; glad you had a nice time in LA!

  5. Great to hear all is well! The dress is wonderful, and seems to fir like a dream. What a cool print too!

  6. I'm happy to hear (and see!) that you got to see the Elliott Smith Memorial Wall. And that dress is simply darling!

  7. I'm glad you got to have a fangirl moment, those are really the best! And your dress is so cute!
    Also, I've thought before that sometimes, especially in this picture, you kind of resemble the lovely miss Claudette Colbert! You lucky gal, you!
    - Emily

  8. That dress, your hair, this photo! Awesome :D

  9. What an amazing dress! Glad you had a great time on your trip!

  10. ohmy, that dress! can't wait to see the rest of the pics. :)

  11. Oh that's such a beautiful frock on you and I'm so glad you had a wonderful time - all I hear are bad things about LA but I refuse to believe it! Show us the pics! xo

  12. Yay! You look awesome in that dress, I can see why it's a new favorite. Glad I got to see you for a bit :)

  13. I am also a huge Elliott Smith fan, I would love to see the memorial wall one day .

    Harriett xx

  14. Thank you all! I did have a blast but didn't do any vintage shopping this time around. Still, I saw some great friends and neat sites. MORE PHOTOS TO COME when I am less frantic due to a move!!
