Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Artist

On the subject of vintage-y films, I've been hearing great things about The Artist.  Take a peek!  


  1. I am really looking forward to this!! I do hope it gets a proper release here in the UK. The last time we had anything like this - The Good German in 2006 - my local cinema showed it once a day for 1 week... at midnight. :-(

  2. It is such a charming, winning film. You'll love it, I'm sure.

  3. It needs no words! How fabulous this looks.

  4. It's a french film and it's already out here in France (the 23rd November I think in North America).
    I have already seen it and love it, see my post:

    I'm pretty sure that you will love it!!!!

  5. Love it!!! and the actor with the lead role is so handsome. I want one...

  6. So...the actor is Jean Dujardin. Wow! right now I'm completely taken by his good looks.

  7. I can't wait for this one!!! I am so excited to see it!

  8. Hello,
    I visited your blog today - I saw you on 'The Pink Home.' Your blog is charming, and I just love your HEADER. The woman in the red dress caught my eye. I also love the 30's and 40's era. The women were so elegant then. Me and my daughters started a new blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you. Your blog is filled with beauty, and I am leaving here today with a smile. Hope to hear from you, and have a nice evening.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  9. The Artist looks scrumptious. Hope when it comes out it has live sound, but looks totally great. Can't wait.

  10. That looks so good! Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard about it yet :)

  11. I highly recommend it! But I'm french so I'm not particulary objective about it since it's a french film with french actors! But I find it pretty nice that english speaking people can relate to it in its original it's silent! But i've got to admit that when it comes to watch a silent movie nothing beats a good Louise Brooks'!;)

  12. Cannot wait to see this! I have seen the main actor in a few films he is so charismatic x

  13. Oooooh I can't wait to see this - it looks very Nick and Nora doesn't it? xo

  14. Love the look on the dogs face, just says it all.......
