Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'll Be Back

Darlings! I'm sorry I haven't done the scarf top tutorial yet.  I will try to get my act together and post one soon.  In the mean-time, forgive me if things around here slow down to a stand still. I've decided to take a summer break from the wired world for about a week. That means, the shop is on vacation mode and I'm going to force myself away from Twitter, Facebook, email, the works.  I hope to come back to you a refreshed and creatively reinvigorated "baroness." :)  Happy summer vacation, all! I promise: I'll be BACK....but not until I've had my fill of lake splashing, mini-golfing, book reading, crossword puzzle finishing, etc etc!!!

1930s style Playsuit & Skirt: nudeedudee


  1. Hope you have a relaxing internet holiday!
    -Andi x

  2. hehe, weaning myself away slowly. Thanks, dolls!! ;)

  3. Though I'll miss your posts, I totally understand your need to break free for awhile. Have fun, dear Baroness.

  4. I forgot to say you look gorgeous in the photo, as you always do :)

  5. Oh, you break news dressed so handsomely that I can't help but forgive you... :)

    Have a splendid break and look after yourself x

  6. Enjoy your little break, don't be sneaking back on the internet now! x

  7. Have a great break, it is needed sometimes :) xx

  8. Have a very well earned break :) See you on the flip side!

  9. The back of that playsuit is just adorable! Great look!

  10. I enjoy those nice "summer breaks" as well and they are really wonderful.
    Have a nice time!

  11. Great idea! Have a lovely break!
    (and I love your dress!)

  12. You look gorgeous! I hope you find your break refreshing.

  13. Lovely outfit! :) This must be the week for a break--I'm taking one from blogging myself. ;) hehe. Hope you enjoy your internet vacation and get some relaxation in! :)

  14. I hope you have a great time on your vacation! Sounds like it will be so much fun!

  15. enjoy your holiday see you soon!!
