Friday, July 29, 2011

Cabin Fever, Part One: Glam-ping, Lady Mountaineer Style

Hello again!!  Fresh from a few days at a lakeside cabin, here are some fun vintage outfit posts.  First up, my own attempt to emulate the glam-pers I posted about earlier this summer, with the aid of a pair of vintage riding breeches (As I was wearing this outfit, I was also flooded with memories of the four long years I once spent writing a doctoral dissertation related to women mountaineers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, so this outfit actually is kind of a tribute to the intrepid women I studied--although few of the earlier "lady alpinists" ever wore trousers, at least not in view of the climbing hut or chalet).   I digress:  The photos below my outfit photo capture evidence of some of the "wildlife" encountered: on the left, huge holes bored into a tree by the most gigantic woodpecker I have ever glimpsed.  I caught this avian giant working on the tree after I had returned from a morning canoe ride. Alas, he flew off before I could get my camera, so, the story of Big Red, as I called him, remains a legend to those who didn't see him with their own eyes.  At right, a sign spied at a roadside rest stop on the way to the cottage.  Thankfully, I didn't see any snakes so there was no need for braking!


  1. You look victorious perched on the rock looking so stylish as a mountain lady:). Your boots and trousers are incredible and I love the beautiful scarf:). Paradise! xo

  2. You always look so amazing! I truly admire your style!

  3. Amazing! I wish I loved nature more. :( You make it look so fun! LOL

  4. Glad to have you back in the Blogger & Twitter world!

    Your lady mountaineer look is really stunning.

  5. Hello, darlings! I'm SO glad to be back. I like nature/outdoorsy things in moderate doses, but there's NO place like home (and boy did I miss being online!!!). Thank you for your kind words! Since the cabin was on an isolated little islet, I think I took a bazillion pictures and did several little photo shoots for outfit posts on the blog, so more is afoot!!!)

  6. OH my gosh! I need jodhpurs. You look adorable and that place looks like so much fun.

    I'm going camping tomorrow & I asked my sister what to bring - her reply? "Not a dress." But of course I'm bringing a dress - a Swirl actually (squee). So silly she is. She didn't like my reply that for most of history, women ALWAYS wore dresses - and conditions were much worse than their camper trailer :P She didn't like that much.

  7. I love the outfit!

  8. i bet it was a pileated woodpecker, they are majestic! you can check them out here:

    but i have to tell you, i am so jealous of your rustic getaway. i have one planned for later in august the trip cannot come fast enough. lastly, i love love love this outfit, when fall comes i plan on doing a whole woman pioneer/land girl look again. :)

  9. Lauren, I bet you're right!! Thanks for the link!

    We're so lucky to have free access to this Northern Ontario cabin. It's something I now look forward to every summer. Hope your own getaway comes quickly and is filled with pure blissful relaxation!!

  10. Oh, this one is giving me serious outfit envy!! I just love jodpurs/riding breeches, I've been looking for some for ages but can never find them in my size/price range!
    And thats so great you've got a friend with a cabin in such a lovely spot!
    Also, I don't know if you've already done a post on this, but you have mentioned how you did your dissertation on women mountaineers a couple of times before, and I think it would be really interesting if you did a little post on that, as I know absolutely nothing about it, and think it could be interesting to know!
    - Emily

  11. Hi, Emily! I really must do a post on the mountaineering ladies. Stay tuned!

    Ironically, both the vintage items shown in my outfit posts are going up for sale, as I discovered they didn't fit during this trip....this means the jodhpurs are going to be going into my etsy shop soon, as they are too tight in the waist for me (must have eaten too many smores this summer)....keep your eyes peeled (or convo me via if interested?)...

  12. This outfit looks almost exactly like that of my grandmother in a couple of 1930s photos I have. I don't know if she's camping or just "in the country" in these photos, but she's wearing pants and tall lace-up boots a bit like yours. (Andy calls these "snake boots"--so perhaps you were *very* properly attired, considering that sign!)

  13. I agree with Emily--I definitely need an education in mountaineering ladies!

    You look so put-together: a glamping success!

  14. I never ever know what to wear when we go out and about in parks and such--most of the time I just acquiesce to practicality and don jeans and a tshirt. I love your outfit though--and makes me realize that I really need to beef up the "outdoorsy" side of my vintage wardrobe! :)

  15. Wonderful!
    I swear I have a period photo almost exactly like the one of you posing in the jodhpurs!
