Thursday, July 14, 2011

Candy Colours on the Cote D'Azure

Black & white photos are great, but I love these colorized early 30s postcards of fashionable beach-pyjama-wearing holiday-ers on the Cote D'Azure (although it's still rather painful to look at the gal in the striped set below--a reminder of the "ones that got away" sniff sniff ;)

Images all from: Pyjamopolis


  1. Ahh, lovely!! I hope another gorgeous pair comes your way soon!
    I have a beautiful pair of original early '30s pyjamas that just need a little mending to be wearable; can't wait to show them off at the beach later this summer!

  2. Aw, thanks, Dakota! Truth be told, I own a pair of really cute gingham beach pjs and am going to take some snaps of 'em when I'm up at the cottage soon. Can't wait to see yours! I'm sure they're DARLING!

  3. You know what, this has become pure torture! I WILL DIE if I don't get a pair soon!!!!!

  4. The 30s was such a colourful decade and I love how these photographs reflect that!

  5. These are beyond fabulous. I love the yellow and burgundy set in the second photograph.

  6. love the Nice card it so obviuosly superimposed, ( Ican just hear the photographer saying ' quick rush out into the street and find some girls in pajamas'

  7. Ahhh so beautfiul, I love the saturated colours. THe Yellow and Burgandy set of beach PJ's are my favourite, I am still yet to own a pair myself. x

  8. I adore this post I recently "discovered" beach pyjamas myself! thanks for the inspiring blog!

    xo Vanessa
