Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anything Goes

I had completely forgotten that I had recorded the 2011 Tony Awards, so I only JUST watched them today.  Imagine my glee to (belatedly) discover that a revival production of Anything Goes is playing on Broadway.  Check out the COSTUMES!!!!! Oh yes, I will see this show this fall if it's the last thing I dooooooooooo!


  1. Fun! I hadn't see that before. Boy oh boy do I want to do a tap routine - I think with some practice I could pull off that number. Do you think they're hiring for the tour? ;)

  2. Oh my gosh that looks FAB. I've only seen 1 theatre/musical production, this past March at that but it was wonderful. I'm going to see Wicked tomorrow night but I sure wish I lived closer to NY right now! OR that I'd taken better advantage of my time in London!

  3. Not a musical fan at all, but really nice checking out the costumes. Boy, do I like that striped top. You'd fit in perfectly with your latest outfit post. :-)

  4. Wow, chevron, tap pants, doesn't take a lot to press to "want" button in my head.

  5. I really want a pair of those shoes! Minus the tap soles, obviously - that could get annnoying!

  6. I want ALL of these costumes. Sigh. I wish I could go see the show! I've got the cast recording (for the 2004? London Revival) but it's really not the same. I hope they end up filming a live recording...
    -Andi x

  7. Yay! Awesome tapping! I love Anything Goes and would love to see this production. Why are hotel rooms in NY sooo expensive?! Oh, wait. Because New York is way more awesome than Wichita.

  8. Oh gosh, we did "Anything Goes" as our class play in high school. I'd have to sing all the songs if I went to see it.

  9. I love "Anything Goes", and Sutton Foster is one of my favorites. My mother saw her on Broadway in "The Drowsy Chaperone"; I was so jealous! I agree with superheidi; your last outfit would have blended in perfectly with those beautiful costumes. Thanks for posting this!

  10. Looks so good! Costumes are amazing, wish I was close enough to go. x

  11. oh I want to see this! I love Cole Porter
