Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello and Harlow

Hello!! Just stopping in to say that I'm still around...but busy as a bee, working on my shop, my gardens, and my almost-finished 30s style floral dress.  Hope to have some fun pics to share shortly. In the mean-time, thanks to Riikka over at Harlean's Heyday for putting together this amazing video of Jean Harlow's earlier film roles!  I almost swooned when I saw Harlow's gown at about 11:30 on. WOW! Happy Monday, all!


  1. Awww, thank you so much for posting my little video! I will be making more videos from the roles that follow these so stay tuned. :)

  2. That is some frock, I've always wished I could raise just one eyebrow.

  3. Lots of fabulous clothes! I haven't seen all these films; looks like I need to make some additions to my Netflix queue! Like Miss Rayne, I always wanted to be able to raise just one eyebrow. I wonder if there's some facial exercise I could try... :-)

  4. Had no idea that she had this kind of talent. Always just saw her as a sexsymbol. But she´s got class! ;)
