Thursday, June 30, 2011

Camping, Glam-ping

At some point during this Canada Day long weekend, I am pretty sure we're going to be doing some camping.  Being the fashion hound that I am, I have to consider my wardrobe options in advance.  I'm digging the glam collared-shirt-jodhpur look (provided the weather isn't scorching hot).  Who do you think wore this look best: Clara Bow, Joan Blondell, or Bette Davis?


  1. Hi, I just wanted to let you know I'm passing some blog awards on to you, see my post to see them :)

    I love your blog so these awards are really deserved!
    Best wishes

    Miss Katie

  2. ooohhh! Love this! I'd say Clara Bow

  3. I'm having the same conundrum since we may be going camping this weekend as well! Though it's going to be ungodly hot here so I was actually debating if I could get away with a casual dress because I have no shorts and jeans are so hot! But I don't really like having my legs that unprotected in the woods.

    I think I like Joan and Bette's outfits best. And I love their boots on top of the jodhpur, I could definitely use something like that. Though not the jodhpurs themselves. I am too short for that, they'd make me look like an Oompah Loompah. LOL

    If only there was a vintage camping fashion store!

  4. Looks like it was quite the trend! I love the photo of Joan Blondell--she makes the outfit look so functional and chic at the same time. It almost makes we want to do something in the outdoors. Of course I'd probably feel differently if we weren't in for several 100+ degree days here. :-(

  5. Clara Bow would be my pick. I just love her look.


  6. I'm going with Bette based solely on the fact that she has a bow and arrow.

  7. Rhooo i love Jodhpur !!!! I always dream to get one to perfect my "John Willie secret agent U89 style".

    Nice pics as always Baronness !

  8. I've got a pair I'm going to be adding to my etsy shop after the weekend, so if you're on the hunt for a set, check out Adeline's Attic vintage ( next week? Sorry, shameless self-advertising here :)

  9. I would say Joan Blondell. Her boots aren't polished to a T, her blouse isn't better suited for a skirt, but she still manages to accessorize and look effortless and polished at the same time.

  10. I love jodhpurs!!!
    Such wonderful pictures :)

  11. This is fab! I've done a lot of camping recently and I've quite struggled keeping to my vintage self! This gives me a better idea of what to aim for! :)

  12. I can't decide between Clara and Bette. I always have a soft spot for Clara so I guess I will have to go with her. :) Jodphurs are perfect for camping, hope you have fun. x
