Sunday, June 26, 2011

1920s Garden Party @ Spadina House

Today, the mister and I attended the first annual 1920s garden party at Spadina House in Toronto.  I had never seen the mansion before, so it was a fun opportunity to see this historic site while also taking in some Django-esque jazz guitar music, sipping lemonade, and watching the charleston demonstration put on by the Sugar Shakers.  All in all, it was a lovely afternoon....though an overzealous tourist treated me like a living photo-prop, physically moving me hither and thither for photos!  Given that, aside from the interpreters working at the site, I only saw one other gal in vintage (a cute 60s floral dress), I offer the following challenge: C'mon, Toronto, let's get this event growing and give the American Gatsby Picnic a run for its money in future years.  I can dream, right? Alright, enough "banter": here is just a small sampling of the many photos we took of the day.  You may recognize the 20s dress I'm wearing from my shop--I "borrowed" it from the "Attic" since the frock I had bought for the occasion never arrived due to the Canada Post strike/lockout debacle (which, by the way, is FINALLY pretty much over now).  Anyway, I think I might be keeping the floral lovely. Oops.


  1. ooh, why not keep it? The dress really seems to like you. :-)

  2. Wooow, that greenhouse is truly amazing. I also love your cloche a whole lot.

  3. I vote KEEP IT! It fits you like a glove and the colors are very flattering. Perfect!

  4. Oh my you look incredible - what a beautiful dress and it suits you to a tee. And the hat ga!!!!! I'm surprised more people didn't dress up, it looks the perfect location for such a great occasion:)) xo

  5. Ahh, so glamorous!! You look just perfect strolling around that glorious estate! And ditto to the above comments... that dress look so beautiful on you, you should keep it! :)

  6. You look fantastic! And how did I not know about the 1920s garden party?! I suppose I couldn't have gone this year anyways but I do hope they do it again. It sounds like a lot of fun :)

  7. What a great event, would have been great to join, sounds really fun!
    And you look a-ma-zing!! Love that dress:)

  8. thank you, dolls! The dress did seem to suit the occasion perfectly. It may have to stay with me :)

    Kate: yes, let's hope it's on again next year....bigger and better?!

  9. Beautiful outfit and beautiful place to wear it!

  10. You look beautiful, love the colours in the dress. Tis a shame more people do not dress as well as you!

  11. Oh, that is the dress in your shop that I just drool over. Yes, keep it!

  12. You looked smashing as always!

  13. words can do no justice to your outfit,my favourite ever!

  14. Keep it! Keep it! You look divine! And those colors. *swoon*
    Looks like a fun day :)

  15. That greenhouse is a dream, and you look wonderful. That dress is definitely a keeper! ;) x

  16. thanks again ever so much for your kind words! I do love this dress....ridiculous me, I sold the hat today. Ah well, that's the joy and pain of selling vintage! Anyway, I too LOVED that greenhouse...we weren't allowed inside it, but I could see exotic citrus fruit trees ripe with lemons, etc, when I peeped inside one of the doors. Dreamy!!!!

  17. oh gee whiz! you always look so good in 20s!

  18. Keep the dress!!! It's fabulous. How exciting to have a 1920s garden party close to where you live. I keep meaning to go to New York or California one of these years and never make it. Wichita needs a deco picnic!

  19. Yes, you definitely need to keep that dress!
