Friday, May 27, 2011

Mostly Myrna

I'm looking forward to the upcoming release of the book, Myrna Loy: The Only Good Girl in Hollywood.  Isn't the cover itself gorgeous?

In other (somewhat related) news, I've heard buzz that Johnny Depp wants to team with Rob Marshall to do a remake of my all-time favourite vintage movie, The Thin Man.  If you follow my twitterfeed, you may have noticed some of us back and forthing about the prospect.  My first thought was: nooooooo, Don't even bother!  My next thought was: well, if you really have to try to mess with perfection via a remake, please let someone else other than Johnny Depp play William Powell's character, Nick.  

It's not that I don't think Depp is amazingly talented and perennially gorgeous.  I just think the role calls for someone more distinguished & dapper & wry.  My casting suggestion:  John Slattery, the chap most recently known as Roger Sterling on Mad Men.  IMHO, he has that perfect "insouciance," that mix of blithe languour and boyish spriteliness, not to mention that (feigned?) ability to hold his liquor hehe (Depp's played a lush, too, but if he DOES play Nick, he MUST find an alternative way to play a dipsomaniac--i.e. he'll definitely have to dump that cute but unsubtle "drunk-on-rum" Jack Sparrow slur).  

As for who should play Nora, well, I heard a rumour that Rachel Weisz is in serious contention.  She definitely has the looks to play the "lanky brunette with a wicked jaw" but could she bring the sass and class?  Maybe!  Interesting (though somewhat offputting) to ponder this remake prospect--though there's no question in my mind that Nora's costumes in the remake will never come close to the perfection of the Dolly Tree-designed ensembles in the original.  What are YOUR thoughts?  

Okay, I'm off for the weekend.  Sorry my posts have been sparse and dull lately. We've got a pretty great night out planned for Wednesday, though, so hopefully will have some fun things to post about next week.  xox, lovelies!


  1. What about Kate Winslet? Me and my friend have been debating who should play Nora, and we just go back and forth. Myrna is too hard to replace!

  2. I don't know - on one hand its nice because it may lead people to go see the original for comparison (kind of like one girl I know who never paid any attention to old movies, and then saw the 2008 remake of "The Women" and hated it, and then found out it was a remake. Out of curiosity she rented the 1939 version and loved it, and now she's a TCM addict) which may in turn create more old movie converts (always a good thing), but then it also makes me a bit wary because a.) there's no way it can compare to the original, and b.) its usually pretty disappointing to see modern takes, stylistically/aesthetically, on older films/period pieces. Like you said, the costumes are bound to be dim in comparison. But perhaps it will bring some new elements.. may really pretty cinematography (like Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) or maybe even changing it up so its not even trying to be just like the original (like the newer Karate Kid thats totally different.. not that the original 1984 is vintage or old, but it was older and had a huge fan base). Who knows, only time will tell!
    - Emily

  3. LOVE Myrna!!! One of my favorite Powell/Loy teamings is "Love Crazy" - hilarious!

  4. I love that book cover. It's gorgeous.

  5. I love Myrna, and this book looks great - thanks! Shocked to think of a Thin Man remake. Much as I love Johnny Depp I can't see it, mind you I'd be happy to be wrong! An actress with that much class and quick wit? I'm scratching my head. Well, we'll see!

  6. I don't want any remake ! The original version is too perfect....

  7. I just LOVE Myrna Loy. I even have a set of Myrna Loy paper dolls! I really don't want there to be a remake of The Thin Man. It's one of my absolute favorite films. Can't there just be a rerelease of the original?

    I'm with you, though--John Slattery would be better than Johnny Depp. I even like his Lincoln commercials; almost makes me want an MKZ.

  8. Your blog post are never boring have a good weekend

  9. Ooo I may have to get a copy of that book...

    As for a new Thin Man movie, I'm not sure. The original was so good that I'm not really sure what the point of making a new one would be (other than to make money of course). I suppose it could be good, but it is statistically unlikely.

  10. I could see Rachel Weisz in the role...I really love her in The Brothers Bloom, though she's perhaps a little more kooky/quirky than as witty and sassy (though she's not without sass) as Myrna playing Nora.
    Have you read the novel? I haven't read it (and remember nothing of the other Hammett I've read) but would like to do so.
    Anyway, I think you know most of my opinion from twitter ;] I'm still in two minds whenever a film I love gets remade, to be honest. But I definitely agree re Depp, though I'm not sure who I would like to see cast...
    -Andi x

  11. okay, I'm back. Couldn't stop thinking about some actors who could come close to the genius of my favourite :
    Helena Bonham-Carter and Mr. Big alias Chris Noth -
    what do you think ?????

  12. I agree with Lauren, it'd be better if they just released the original. That said, if we can start getting films with more wit and verve into the cinemas, that's no bad thing.

  13. Your comments have given me pause: maybe a remake WOULD be great, in and of itself.

    I haven't read the novel, Andi, but maybe if they go back to the book rather than using the movie as the basis for the remake, we'd get something fresh that wouldn't get us making comparisons between the new version and the original? It's funny: I think I have a bigger issue with new movies that are remakes of old great films than I do with books into film. In this case, it's as some of you have noted: the original was perfect, so why the need to remake it (maybe it's a life-long dream of Depp's to play Nick Charles?). Anyway, I will TOTALLY have to see it if it comes out.
    Some interesting casting suggestions, too. I stick firmly to the idea of John Slattery as Nick (to me, he truly IS the modern day William Powell. Wiry, languid, charming, dashing, makes smoking, drinking, and fedoras look ridiculously attractive, etc etc). I'm also *almost* convinced Rachel Weisz could do Nora. As I said before, looks-wise, she could nail the "lanky brunette" part of the role (and she has that slightly exotic air about her, just like Myrna Loy). Kate Winslet is an interesting suggestion, but for some reason, it's just not quite clicking. But she certainly has the acting chops!

  14. I'm in favour of the idea, but only if they go back to the book and basically ignore the movie - which means that they mustn't think "who will play Myrna" and "who will play Powell", because they really need to re-look at how Hammett wrote Nick and Nora, and not how they were interpreted in the first movies.

    Maybe we'll get a blonde Nora ;-) After all, a blond Bond worked!
