Friday, May 6, 2011

More Water for Elephants

So, I FINALLY got to see the movie Water for Elephants last night. All in all, I found it a visually enchanting movie with a riveting and very emotional storyline.  It really brought depression-era America to life for me and provided an engrossing view of the brutal hardships faced by circus workers during this era (I say this as someone who has not yet read the book--tsk tsk).  As an animal lover, I found some scenes hard to bear (I had more tears down my cheek for the plight of Rosie the elephant than for the star-crossed lovers).  Despite the fact that I agree with reviewers who found a distinct lack of chemistry between Pattison and Witherspoon, I think they were solid actors in their parts. Witherspoon looked radiant and enviably svelte. Of course, Christoph Waltz did a glorious job playing the villian.  Anyway, that's my mini-review.  What I REALLY wanted to share are some more stills of my favourite casual clothes worn by Reese's character, Marlena. The satin gowns she wears are gorgeous, too, but it's the daytime wear that caught my eye.


  1. Ohhh I think I've put off watching this long enough, you might just have convinced me to see this film. It's just that I REALLY do not like R Patz, it's what's been keeping me from watching this! But I might just have to now seeing as Christoph Waltz is in it and all of that depression-era scenery looks so interesting...

  2. It only opened on Wednesday in the U.K so I am going to go next week when the RPatz fever has died down a bit! The book is one of the best ones i have read in recent years and I am fullye xpecting them to ruin it the way films usually do.

  3. So glad you enjoyed this movie too! I went to see it last weekend and reviewed it on my blog - LOVE LOVE LOVED the clothes! And the storyline was unexpectedly gripping - very well done all the way around!

  4. Oh, those nautical looks are so perfect!

    I haven't seen the movie; don't know if I CAN watch it....

  5. What great outfits! Glad you posted. I am not going to see the movie because of the animals, I always avoid movies with animals in them. So I'll just look at photos of her clothes!

  6. I LOVED the outfits in the film, but I found the rest of it sort of just fell flat (lack of chemistry I suppose?). In my opinion the book is much better.

  7. What a perfect follow-up to your last two nautical-themed posts! I haven't read the book, either. I've spent the last 5 or so years trying to catch up on all the books I felt they should have made us read in high school, so I'm a little behind with contemporary fiction!

    I'm not sure I feel like going to see a kleenex movie at the moment! (I'm glad you warned me!) It's definitely going on my Netflix queue, though.

    Speaking of elephants, the Oklahoma City Zoo (OKC is my hometown) has a new baby elephant and she's adorable:

  8. I need to see this just for the costumes. That shawl collar, sigh. x

  9. Thanks for the review! I might add this to my "to see" list now.
    I'm honestly not very excited by the costumes which might be why I've put off seeing it :o but I think they're very good as 30s style with a somewhat more modern line aesthetic to them.

  10. Ohh, it certainly looks gorgeous... I'm such a sucker for these things, did you watch Carnivale? I go into my own little heaven every time I watch that! Your blog is divine I'm so glad I found it! :) x

  11. See, i'm slightly worried about seeing this film. I couldn't put the book down and its now one of my all time favourites. Somehow worried the films not going to meet my expectations at all.

  12. I did not know that this was a period film. Must. See. His Lordship owes me a film after making me sit through Fast and Furious 5. Just awful. Amazing costumes. I do like Ms W.

  13. I am avidly not a fan of Wetherspoon - which had put me off wanting to see this.

    But. I AM a fan of the book and, of course, the 1930's fashion display I was convinced the movie would hold! Pleased to see it is living up to my expectations! Might have to see it next week :)

  14. Adding this book to my summer reading list. After reading, I may have something more intelligent to say about how the film might or might not measure up to the novel! As for the film, I'd give it a solid 7.5 out of 10. It's not perfect, but not dreadful, either. Reminded me of how I felt watching Titanic. Great visuals and special effects here and there, the ingredients of a great love story plot, but a distinct lack of true sparkle between the lead actors (I know, I am probably going to get lots of disagreement here, but I felt like Leo and Kate seemed as oddly paired as RPatz and Reese here). Anywhoo, thanks for your thoughts, all. I definitely enjoyed it more than most of the mainstream film rubbish that has been coming down the pipes from Hollywood lately....

  15. i'm looking forward to going to the cinema..

  16. Oh now I reeeeally want to see this it looks amazing!

  17. I don't know if I could cope with the animal peril but Reese looks exquisite in the stills I've seen. She goes from strength to strength.

  18. I LOVE the first few pictures!!! Reese looks so very darling. I don't know much about the story, I'll have to read it. I'm an animal lover too, so perhaps it might be a bit much, But I'll see. Thanks for sharing these stills!

  19. I haven't seen it yet, but am so looking forward to the costumes if nothing else.

  20. okay, the costumes alone are seducing me. That last sea-foam outfit makes me think she could be wearing those gorgeous silk pyjamas you had awhile back in the shop...

  21. Oh my God, I want that big nautical scarf she has!
