Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just Shoe Me

You'd think I'd have learned by now not to say the "spring" word out loud! Now we're back to winter after a sudden snowstorm last night!! Blah!  Oh well, as cold comfort, here is some shoe sadism. All images are of long sold 30s shoes from ebay and flickr.  Shoe designers, are you paying attention?  We want colour blocked beauties like these!! Right, girls? (To be fair, re-mix is doing a fine job of trying to bring some of such vintage designs back to life).  


  1. These are pretty, especially the first ones!

  2. I ADORE the shape of that last pair the best, I think, though I am not a big fan of purple in general. Oh to have some beauties like them.

  3. I would like Pairs number 1, 3, & 4 please! I love the pastel colors, I wish we could find more of the repro brands doing this type of color scheme!

  4. *gasp* Okay, I'm saving this post to my bookmarks in an effort to do some shoe-revamps later! These are so beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration!

  5. yummy! so gorgeous I'd eat them!

  6. Argh! We caught that darned snowstorm as well! Both of us were ecstatic after enjoying the nice weather yesterday and seeing all the robins out and about, and then boom! Snow is back! My point is, we feel your pain all too clearly.

    As for the shoes, # 1, 2 and 5 are making me swoon, if only if only... at any rate, they sure do brighten one up in light of the weather XD

  7. the first pair made me squeal and my husband gave me a funny look,hahaha!

  8. shoes as wearable art! incredible, I know!! Brittany, you MUST do a tutorial once you do some re-vamps!!! Great idea!

    N. and M. Ziegfeld: hurrah, fellow Canadian bloggers. I'm headed to your page now.

  9. hehe, I guess they sort of ARE almost edible...they definitely have macaron-esque hues!! delish!

  10. These are gorgeous! Wow. Have a great day doll!

    Have you heard about my good news? Kori xoxo

  11. I love the soft summery shades of no 3 and 4. That's the kind of thing I need to introduce in my wardrobe shoe-wise!

  12. Oooooh...pretty! They do actually remind me of some stuff that has been in the shops recently (at least in the more shoe-adventurous NZ), especially the second and 3rd pair. So some designers are paying attention!

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Those first two pairs! LOVE

  14. I'll take one of each, please!

  15. All of them are incredible, I especially love the blue ones!

