Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Capture the Castle

Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes! We've been having a fantastic weekend so far!  Today, instead of hitting the vintage fair as previously planned, we decided to stay local and visited nearby Dundurn "Castle." I have explored the outer grounds during summer time, but had never seen the inside, so I really enjoyed this glimpse into how the wealthy lived in 19th century "Upper" Canada.  Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take flash photography inside the venue and we were not allowed to explore the mansion outside of a fairly crowded group tour, so we didn't manage to get many good pics that weren't blurry, dark, or filled with tour group folks.  Oh well, I got at least one clear pic of my outfit, which was my new-to-me 1930s tunic dress (slightly better photo to follow in next post?).  As for the interior delights of the castle, I found the picture of the pink room and the famous "floating" staircase on flickr.  Post-tour, we enjoyed a lovely indoor cheese n' cracker "picnic" back home  Now, that's my kinda birthday weekend adventure! :) What have you been up to?


  1. Gorgeous! Sounds like a fabulous day!

  2. What an amazing birthday adventure! I always enjoy exploring historic homes/sites too. Lovely outfit as well, the coat & dress are both splendid.

  3. Mm, cheese looks yummy. I'm a cheese addict :)
    Dress gorgeous as ever, would love to see more pics.

  4. Happy Birthday!!!
    This is grand! Love it!

  5. THANKS again for the birthday wishes and kind comments! Birthday adventures are so fun....especially when they involve historical sites (I'm with you on that, Leilani).

    Garofit: cheese, glorious cheeese! we tried guinness cheese for the first time. Was rather good, but not as strong as i like ;)

  6. Last picture, you should frame it, is lovely! xx

  7. Sounds like a fabulous birthday! It looks like a glorious place to visit. Love your new dress, too. :)

  8. I especially enjoy the picture where you stand next to the painting.
    It is as if you actually live in this castle.

  9. I love the pic of you by the window :)

  10. Happy birthday! Stunning photos of you - look like stills from a film. What an amazing place, and a beautiful dress. Lovely :)

  11. A belated Happy Birthday to you! Looks like you had lovely weekend celebrations! That castle/home looks amazing.
