Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baronial Birthday Extravanganza

Today was the start of what I like to call my Baronial Birthday Extravaganza weekend.  So far, there has been ice cream cake, there have been roses. I tried to take some snaps of my outfit indoors because it's so snowy out, but the lighting was crap, so below is the only half visible image of the bunch; you'll have to imagine that you can see my awesome Able Grable blouse, 30s jacket, and Nudeedudee black skirt.


  1. Happy birthday! I just found out that your name was Jill a couple of days ago. I guess the title of "Baroness" just fit you so well that I never thought about what your name might be. Anyways, you look fabulous and I hope the rest of the Baronial Birthday Extravaganza weekend goes great!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! That ice cream cake looks super yummy!! :)

  3. Woooo!!! Happy Birthday! I hope it is absolutely fabulous!

  4. thank you!!

    Hehe, Stephanie, I had a moment when posting the cake photo in which I wondered about how many people knew my name :) You can still call me Baroness, though, if you want :)

  5. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!, dear Baroness, may you live a loooooooong life in the blogland and keep sharing your beauty, class and elegance witih us.

  6. Happy birthday!!
    Your outfit looks fabulous even from shadowy silhouette; oh, and I now have a massive cake craving! Looks delicious!

  7. I just love your 1930s style. You are so true to the decade.


  8. Happy Birthday! You look fabulous, poor lighting or not. Was your birthday today? If so, we share a birthday:)

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing birthday weekend :-)

  10. Happy happy birthday to you! I can't wait to hear all about the rest of your weekend.

  11. Hurrah! Happy birthday =D Hope you have a ball, as it were.
    -Andi x

  12. Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's a fabulous weekend!!

  13. Happy birthday Jill! I've known that was your name for ages but like Stephanie, I always think the title of Baroness suits you so well so that's what I always call you in my head ;)

    I've never had icecream cake before, it looks delicious xx

  14. i totally agree with Stephanie!
    i'm looking forward to seeing more pictures,happy bday!BUON COMPLEANNO!

  15. Happy Birthday!!!! WOW! That cake looks ahhhhhmazing!! Have a lovely day :)

  16. I'll still call you Baroness as I have been doing 'cause I'm loving it :) Happy birthday Baroness, have a fabulous time!

  17. Ooo, many happy returns (a little late!) Have a most wonderful weekend wont you…. Tups x

  18. Happy Birthday, I'll be having coffee and cake with you (in spirit anyway) later today when I go out with Mum.

  19. Darling Baroness,

    Have a most wonderful celebration!
    Your birthday gift will be coming with your frock xxx

  20. THANK YOU! I am so touched by these birthday wishes! I feel like I have met so many amazing friends through blogging. I will be thinking of you all this weekend as part of a virtual birthday party, if you will!!! Much love!!!

  21. Happy Birthday!

    What a yummy looking cake!

  22. Happy birthday to yoooou! <3
    You look fab!

  23. You'll always be the Baroness to me!

    Happy Birthday, enjoy yourself and post lots of pics of you doing just that!!

    Only a weekend though? I think a birthday deserves a whole week...

    Miss P xx

  24. Ohhhhhhhhh! Happy Birthday Week!!! Yesterday was Jonny's bday and we'll be celebrating all weekend too, hehe ;o)

  25. Happy Birthday!!! That cakes looks very yummy :)

  26. A very happy birthday to you :)
    I love your outfit!

  27. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your extravaganza! ;-)
