Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sadie's Homespun Beauty Secrets

While I was visiting my mother-in-law, Sadie, we got talking about some of the home-made remedies and some of the home-made beauty treatments her mother, Violet, had taught her about.  Here are a couple that I've since tried out and found astonishingly effective!

1:  Do your hands feel dry, flaky, and less than smooth?  Try using some sugar as an effective exfoliant (I used white).  I quickly washed and then dry patted my hands with water and then placed about a tablespoon in the palm of my hand and began wringing and rubbing and scrubbing both sides of both hands.  I then rinsed the sugar off with warm water, patted dry, and applied my favourite hand creme, but Sadie suggested one could just as easily apply olive oil or almond oil instead! You may not want to repeat this treatment every day, but I plan to do it once or twice a week at least to keep my hands looking and feeling as baby soft as they have been since first doing this sugar exfoliation.

2: I have been plagued by dark under eye circles for quite a while now.  However, since using Sadie's secret home remedy of almond oil applied to the undereye area on a q-tip just before bedtime, I have noticed a difference!! I probably can't yet go without concealer, but will diligently continue to apply this natural treatment nightly!

3.  Do you have dry, cracked lips?  Try daubing a little brown sugar on them.  Rub your lips together to get the exfoliating and moisturizing effects of the sugar!


  1. I'll have to try the brown sugar lip treatment. I bought Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment from Sephora and Paul was with me and he about died when he found out it cost $22.50! Bless him, he didn't say anything about it, but his eyes bulged out of his head and he went all white. Poor long-suffering husband! :-)

    I love the nail laquer ad. I'm asking for a half-moon manicure when I go to my next appointment!

  2. Thanks! I have a friend who swears by her homemade sugar scrub and I've been wanting to try that.

  3. Neat!
    for hands, it's also useful to apply some lemon juice. It softens them

    as for the cracked lips, nothing does as a little bit of honey. It nourishes them.

    every night before going to sleep I apply some petroleum jelly, and in the morning they look much better.

  4. I try and brush my lips a bit with my toothbrush to help exfoliate them, though I admit I don't do this as much since I have an electric toothbrush and have noticed my lips have suffered for it. I need to remember to buy a plain one just for my lips. :)

  5. What great tips. I think I'll give them a try.

  6. I agree with the sugare treatment- very effective!

  7. I've been meaning to try sugar scrub for a while, just have to get some sugar in the house first (I'm one of those people who doesn't have sugar in tea or coffee, so find we just don't use it) xx

  8. oh, some other great suggestions here. Thanks! I'm becoming obsessed with collecting other home beauty remedies!!

  9. Great tips!I always love hearing about vintage beauty treatments.Sugar mixed with olive oil is a great all over body scrub too.I tend to mix in another vege oil like almond,coconut or macadamia so it's not too heavy,i sometimes add a bit of lemon juice or some essential oils too.
    You have to play around a bit to get the consistency right sometimes & be careful because it will make your shower slippery.

  10. I have treated my hands so poorly ever since I had that rash on my face - I suspected some of my scented hand creams may have aggravated it when I touched my face, but now they are so dry and have terrible hang-nails. I'm going to try these simpler remedies!

  11. May have to try the almond oil under the eyes...Thanks.
    -Andi x

  12. I have heard the wonders of sugar scrubs touted for a long time, but haven't ever really given them a try. Just tried it on my hands this morning and they feel absolutely wonderful!
