Friday, February 25, 2011

Play Time!

Even though it is going to be quite some time until it will be warm enough to imagine wearing shorts and summer dresses (especially since ANOTHER winter snow storm came through today), my mind has been on warm weather vintage resort fashions for some time now.  I decided to let this obsession filter into the shop today, as I just listed a darling 30s/40s Graff Hollywood label playsuit.  I've got a couple other vintage playsuits to add to the shop and have decided to list those early beach pajamas I had shown on the blog before, so if your mind is also on warm weather clothes, stay tuned!!


  1. Fabulous playsuits! I'm definitely ready for warm weather fashions as well, and it’s almost nice enough out to wear them now. (Of course, in just a few short months we’ll be clamoring for cooler climes again here, but right now I am looking forward to the springtime warmth :-))

  2. holy moly thats an extremely cute playsuit! i cant wait to see the others you will list! also i almost bought a 40s tennis outfit pattern the other day, still considering it :)

  3. When I see fabulous tennis clothes, I wish I weren't a rotten tennis player! I'm absolutely the worst and I don't get any better because I won't practice. I'm afraid I would much rather laze around in a pool than exert myself in hot weather! Maybe if I had a cute playsuit I'd feel differently...

  4. I do wish the warm weather would hurry up and arrive. We had a lovely sunny day this week, but only one!!!!!

  5. So cute!!! I keep meaning to add a vintage-style playsuit to my summer wardrobe. Came close last year with a project I whipped up, but wasn't completely satisfied with the results. They're such a cute style though!

    ♥ Casey
