Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Sweetness

Most of my outfit posts tend to show what I wear out and about. Truth be told, many days (especially Sundays) I can be found at home, enjoying lots o' tea, and cooking or baking. Such was the case today.  Lately, I've become re-obsessed with 30s aprons (esp. embroidered ones) and feedsack fabric & frocks, so I perked up my mood by puttering about the house wearing my favourite blue bird apron over a blue floral flour sack frock all afternoon (bad lighting in kitchen, I'm afraid, so pic is a bit dark).  Of course, the whole day, my mind was a-whirring with plans that may or may not ever come to fruition: plans to try my hand at embroidering once again (I used to embroider with my grandmother almost every weekend as a girl) and plans to add a few feedsack aprons to my sewing project list. much Sunday Sweetness, so little time!
Source: Elegant Musings


  1. So feminine! I adore this! Makes me want to embroider.

  2. Lovely apron! The embroidery is very pretty :)

  3. Such a pretty apron!
    I also really love your dress, and your kitchen cupboards, and your kettle! ;-)

  4. That apron is so cute and it looks great on you. I wish I could embroider.

  5. Oh cute! Feel free to make an extra feed sack fabric apron for me haha

  6. Awww, how sweet & lovely---and I love your tea kettle! I'm certain I've seen a similar bird embroidery pattern floating 'round the internets. Fun!

  7. Oh what a sweet little bird the embroidery thing is! I'd love to do embroidery again, too, I used to do it when I was younger and time was endless (read: did not have my kid yet)

  8. Milady, if you had time, you'd be a very dear guest at my blog since there's a post featuring some vintage photos from the 1930s!!! of my hometown Zagreb in Croatia. I myself was surprised with this beautiful Art Deco Architecture and such elegant ladies, you might like it.

  9. You look so elegant in your 'homey' outfits. I wish I was so committed, I'm usually just in my bathrobe or a pair of old jeans! x

  10. Lovely apron. I wouldn't dare cook in it (I've managed to burn and stain PVC cover-all aprons designed for blokes to wear at BBQs... I'm like the Muppets Swedish Chef when I cook- which is every day ha ha!). I'd wear it for dainty dusting though!

  11. thank you, lovelies!! I don't wear this outfit EVERY time I make (or take) tea, etc, but sometimes I get the winter blahs and when I do, this little blue bird apron cheers me does my kitchen, and my little yellow kettle (a lovely present from my mister last year)!!

    Perdita: LOL!!

    Elina: embroidery does take quite a bit of focus and time, doesn't it? It was a perfect way to force me to calm down and sit still when I was a far too energetic little girl!

  12. I love embroidery but I haven't done it in ages. It's so relaxing. I adore your tea kettle! I just had to retire mine and I've been looking for something colorful and fun but so far, no luck. :(

  13. such an inspiring blog, my lady!


  14. When I saw this post in my feed reader I thought "I have that pattern!" and then saw the source credit. haha! I have actually been itching to make a new apron from this pattern (I've made view 2, but an contemplating view 3 which offers more protection for accident-prone-me) and just haven't had the time or fabric. ;) A girl can dream though... 30s aprons are some of my favorites!

    ♥ Casey | blog

  15. I love the apron! It's a completely lovely outfit. :D

  16. What a charming little kitchen you have! And the apron is lovely. So dainty. Mine is more 70's with avocado green and brown owls all over.

  17. love this post. and wanted to share this amazing vintage apron etsy shop i just found: it has your name all over it!
