Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Resort-ing to Daydreams

Hello, lovelies! Just checking in to say "I'm still here....er---sort of!"  I've got a bad case of the winter blahs, I'm afraid, which has left me with little desire to blog, to cobble together outfits, and to accept lovely blog awards involving me telling you things about boring ole little me.  All I really feel in the mood for is daydreaming about warmer climes.  So, be prepared.  I'm once again starting to go into "resort" mode, which means that if you are somewhere cold and snowy, and images of 30s gals in fashion best suited for sunny beaches make you feel positively frosty, you may want to look away for the next while.  Hehe.  Okay, starting off the resort obsession, I give you this beautiful vintage travel ad, which I am hoping to secure a copy of for over the bathtub.  Sighs... how do YOU beat the blahs??


  1. Well... I´m fortunate enough to be leaving for Africa in a weeks time... :) But otherwise its warm showers and liveful music!

  2. Hope it warms up soon and you get that ad!! xoxo

    My blahs lately are specifically centered around my "baby" turning thirteen on Thursday. Sad. Sad my little baby is growing up!

    Oh and apparently I beat the blahs by shopping for vintage shoes and clothes!

  3. 1) That poster is to die for! I want one for my bathroom.
    2) I don't beat the winter blahs, they beat me. I try to fend them off with baking and chick flicks, but it hasn't been helping.

  4. I'm pretty blah right now too. There's been lots of snow lately and snow = snow boots = can't look that cute. :/ I would just like all of the snow to melt... or people to shovel their sidewalks... or to move to Florida.

  5. I love it!
    I'm so tired of the cold too :o(

  6. Make a list of all the things I will have to do in the garden when the sun starts shining, and be very, very glad to have time to spend with my sewing machine stitching summer dresses (where I dream of all the nice things I will do in the garden when I can wear it!)!

  7. Biscuits and tea, rich soups, swing dancing, museum trips and getting outdoors everyday to fuel up for some UVlight. And start sewing for spring/summer.

  8. I'm trying to hang on here. For me the worst comes in February!

  9. Us Texans only have a few months until it starts to feel like summer, so I am very into your "resort mode"!

  10. **HUG** I had 'em today, it's pants aint it? Much love to you sweetheart xx
