Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow Suits Me Just Fine

How ironic! They have snow on the West coast of Canada, where I used to live, and we're sunny and warm over here out "East," which is usually blanketed with the white stuff by this time of year.  Still, a girl can dream about walking in a winter wonderland....and along those lines, I thought I'd do a post in honour of the darling 30s snow/ski suits I've been drooling over for a while now (The Painted Woman's past post on the subject certainly fanned the flames).  I *know* that even if I could find one in my price range and size, these vintage ski and snow suits would be less than perfectly practical for wear during more active winter activities like cross-country skiing because a) they are vintage and I would probably pop seams and b) they are wool, which can get a person TOO warm when you're already getting warm from exercise.  Still, I would totally wear the jacket from one of these sets around on my winter walks--maybe I'd don a whole set for a fun snowball fight or trip down the hill on a toboggan?  Hey, by the way, Eva Dress has a pattern so a person could make their own vintage style snow suit! Or if you have $$$ and want a custom 30s style wool jacket made for you, there's at least one etsy shop that can oblige.

1930s Ski Suit with Plaid Jacket: Marie92001
1930s catalogue scan: Wearing History

1930s Snow/Ski Suit: Love Spy


  1. Oh, I could cry at this very moment! Perfect attire for wearing when singing the tunes from Sun Valley Serenade- *Stats singing* It happened in sun valley……
    We don’t get enough snow over here to need them, so I’ll stick to the siren suit, me thinks!

  2. Oooo, I like the plaid jackets and the last suit.

  3. We're forecast snow by the weekend. Bring it on, I say! We chaps like to wrap up warm with gloves, scarves, hats and heavy jackets too!

  4. We are lucky if we get snow here, but I wouldn't mind donning one of these at all (especially with natty beret) x

  5. Oh Baroness, I want one of those sooo badly! How on earth did you know?! :)

  6. I have that EvaDress pattern! I would love to make it up, but we don't generally have much use for snow suits around my neck of the woods (it's 72 degrees right now)...Although, having one of these lovelies just might be reason enough to take a trip to a snowy locale!

  7. I bought a suit last week, for around $90 :D before that i found a pair of pants for $16. two of my best finds ever!

  8. ooh, so it's not just me who's longing for one then?!


  9. This makes me feel lucky to reside in the Great White North! SUch things get me through the cold dark days of winter here! ;)

    Bruce: thanks for the reminder that there are vintage loving gentlemen among us...this gives me some great post ideas. Thanks!!

    Penny: YES, a natty beret is a MUST, I think!

    garofit: style twins, aren't we?

    Nabby: definitely you should make this up so we can see what it looks like finished! What a great way to come up with a reason to go for a wonderful winter chalet weekend in Aspen or something!

    betty lou: you lucky duck! That's fantastic!

    sounds like we're not alone in our longings, Annie!
