Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Tea Cup Runneth Over

I want to take a moment to thank all you wonderful bloggers who have been showering me with blog awards!  I am ashamed to admit I've started to lose track of all the lovelies who have sent these kind acknowledgements my way, but please know I am grateful for each and every one! Thanks, too, to all my fabulous followers and commenters.  Without you, the tea table would be oh-so-boring, not to mention bare!  I truly never imagined Tea with the Vintage Baroness would get to the point of having 460+ followers over this past year.  WOW.  I am so thrilled and so flattered.  Now, I know some of the awards require you to list 15 people whose blogs you would like to recommend for the award, but I am afraid such a list is too daunting a task for me to tackle.  HOWEVER, I do think a little gratitude giveaway is due shortly....more on that some time in the near future.  In the mean-time, THANKS AGAIN for the awards!!!


  1. Thoroughly well-deserved, all of them. Glad to do it, and congratulations again.

  2. You are most welcome, Dear Baroness!

  3. love the pic, and such a sweet thank you.

  4. Your very welcome. You should by some time soon

  5. Indubitably, baroness! Never a person more deserving. You are high style, and kind. That seals the deal in my book...
