Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oh, Jabot! A Little Saturday Morning Vintage Necking Part II

By the way, Bonniesknitting on Etsy sells some 30s style scarves if you like the 30s ascot look, but cannot knit! Her cloches are also amazing (more on that at a later point...she's doing a custom one for me).


Rachael said...

How snug, lovely and delicate do they look! I especially love the colour of the purple/pinky scarf. What delights!

Kelley Anne said...

Oh these are beautiful. I can't wait to see your hat!

Starr Crow said...

these are so lovely, i love the inspiration behind them in the post below!

Maggi said...

These are too fun! Can't wait to see your custom hat!

Witchcrafted Life said...

Great vintage loving minds think alike! :) I swear I've been pondering the subject of what would constitute as vintage looking winter neck wear this year more than any winter season before, and am thrilled to know that there's a crafter out there who's specializing in 30s scarves. Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful link with us!

Tons of hugs & joyful wishes for the week ahead,
♥ Jessica

Diva said...

Sometimes I am such a ditz... Here I am upset with blogspot that they had lost my "Landgirl" blog... Then I realized you changed the titel of the blog ! I am so releived I still know where you are ! :)

Frollein von Sofa said...

hey dear ! you better take a look at my latest blog entry !!!

Frollein von Sofa said...

congratulations !!! my email address is :

emma wallace said...

Oh, so pretty! I am really looking forward to your cloche entry - I love cloches!

hannah, heart city said...

how lovely!