Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Transformations & Inspirations

It's been far too long since I last blogged! Behind the scenes, a lot of exciting personal and professional transformations are taking place (all will be revealed in due course).  For now, I want to say thank you to Safauna of Hello June Photography for the AMAZING photos she took, both for The Moon River Mercantile Co shop, as well as for a few listings going up in my old shop, Adeline's Attic Vintage.  My models are some very inspiring local women who are at the helm of their own enterprises (Kayla [at far right] is a musician, Nomin [at far left] is a vintage-inspired designer/clothing maker, and Daniella [centre] is chef/owner of a Cajun restaurant! More photos from the shoot in my next post!


  1. I've been loving all of the beautiful photos that you've shared on Instagram lately. your models are absolutely beautiful!


  2. How exciting that so many prospects and changes are afoot for you. I hope everything works out even better than you hope!

    ♥ Jessica

  3. So pleased you've so many exciting new developments in the pipeline and looking forward to seeing more!

    ps. I gave birth to my twin baby girls in May, come meet them at my blog if you'd like to my dear x
