Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reynolds Vintage Road Trip

Thanks to Laurie of Retro Reporter for taking Erin and I on the road to the Reynolds-Alberta Museum for the Vintage Car Show last weekend! What a blast!

Took my 'new' vintage 1930s green sweater out for a spin. I think it's a tad too short for me, though, so I'm hand washing it and then shall be selling it on. 

My kinda 'ride'!

Blue skies and vintage of all kinds, as far as the eye can see.
This 1930s hood ornament was inspired by the famous avant garde dancer, Isadora Duncan, who died tragically in the late 20s when a long scarf she was wearing caught on the back wheel spokes of the car she was driving in!
Reflections from behind the wheel
Victory lap inside the museum!
Hot date in the Pink Lady-mobile
Perfect capper to the day: found a replacement pair of 1930s sunnies at Imagine Vintage Wear. Win!


  1. You all look so elegant. Beautiful cars as well!

  2. Pink Lady Mobile = the best paint color of Coral Sand

    Love Love Love!!

  3. You ladies look fabulous, and what gorgeous cars.

    Strange choice of inspiration on the old hood ornament! :o


  4. Oooh, ladies you all look so wonderfully lovely. What a fun day out! Adore your new sunnies, dear gal - they're you to an absolute tee.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Thanks for stopping by to comment, dolls! Despite being quite windy, it was indeed a lovely outing. The Isodora Duncan hood ornament was beautiful but haunting, indeed!!

  6. You ladies look so elegant and fine, what a fun day out! Very cute jumper on you.

  7. Thanks! Alas, I think the sweater is going to go into my shop shortly....but I'm glad it had a fun outing :)
